Permission problems

  • Hi.

    I have trouble with my permissions.

    Under access rights management and shared folders I create a new folder using the default values. So owner and group has r/w/x and other r/x. GID is set. I checked that with WinSCP in the properties of the folder.

    Now I create an SMB share. My login user from Windows is set with username and password within OMV as user. This user has Read/Write access to that share. Inherit ACLs is set. Inherit permissions is set. I already learned that I have to set "store DOS attributes" that when I download a file from the internet to that folder the execute attribute for my user as owner will be set.

    But how can I get it to work that also the group execute permission will be set on these files copied or downloaded to that share/folder? So that also other users can execute that file?

    I used OMV 2.0 before. I had several shares. In OMV 3 I created the same names to use them further. But with these I can do what I want to within the SMB share options, all set as described above, the execute attribute isn't set at the owner at all. This only works with new created shared folders within OMV 3.

    Thanks a lot for any help. Perhaps I also missunderstand something with these permissions.

    Regards lulu

  • not going into the specifics of your questions (I am new to OMV)

    - open a WinSCP session
    - cd into the shared folder (or better make a new share for this until you feel comfortable)
    - ls -l

    - open "Modify shared folder ACL" in the Web GUI
    - play with the options "User/Group" and "Extra Options", replace existing permissions
    - do everytime a ls -l in the WinSCP session to see the effects

    I am nearly sure you will achieve what you want after seeing the effects.

    Interesting here is that I can open/modify a plain text-file but not open a pdf even with utmost lenient settings.
    But this seems to be the fault of smb:// access in kio (I use KDE/Dolphin for this). Thunar opens the same pdf as expected!

  • "not going into the specifics of your questions (I am new to OMV)"

    That is the problem because I need somebody going in deeper because the problem that the owner is not getting the execute flag when putting a new file into the share is coming from the situation that the share was created under OMV 2.0 and not new created under OMV 3. Everything is working with the user execution flag when you create a new share within OMV 3. But not when adding the old shares already on the disk from OMV 2 to use them further under OMV 3.

    And my problem is not changing existing permissions to other permissions with WinSCP. I can change permissions. I need the correct inheritance when I download or copy a file into a folder and not changing the permissions after download to execute them.

    The group execution flag is presently my lesser problem.

  • I see one difference in windows in the security properties between new shares created in OMV 3 and the old ones from OMV 2.

    The old ones have everyone, root (unix user\root), users (unix group\users) and creator owner and creator group!

    New generated shares within OMV 3 have only everyone, root and users.

  • Ok. What I now did:

    I installed Reset Permissions. I took one of my already installed shares in OMV 2 and reset the permissions with the standard values. After that I checked the permissions of that smb-share. Now under security in Windows I can see that this reset worked. Just everyone, users and root. Same as a new created within OMV 3.

    When I now copy a file from Windows into that share it also gets the execute permission.

    When I copy a file with WinSCP logged in as root from a windows directory on my local pc drive c to this shared directory I only have r/w access, execution is not set.

    Now within OMV 3 I go to that share and change ACL that all (owner/group/other) get r/w/e permission on that share and make it recursive. Now I get again also the creator owner and group in the security tab. And when I now copy a file from windows to that share I also do not get execute permission on that file.

    I never had these things with OMV 2. I use my system as before. There is something different now. Users, groups and shares are the same in OMV 3 as in OMV 2. I installed OMV 3 completely new. Then I created all my users as they were in OMV 2.

    In OMV 2 when I made a download from my Windows PC to one of my shares I never had a problem to execute them. Also not when I changed ACL within OMV. Now when I just hit the safe button within ACL I am not able anymore to execute the files I then download into that share. What is going wrong there?

    Thanks a lot.

  • Ok, I think I understand now. It is a misunderstanding on my side with the permissions.

    As soon as I start using ACL on a share the execute flag of new files will be removed.

    So how can I handle that on a download share for example. Within Windows I download files into this share. Now all the execute permissions will be removed. I don't want to set them all manually after download. Is there any way to keep the execute permission or is this only possible without using ACL?

    Thanks a lot, lulu

  • HI!

    Seems i have same problem at OMV5, the execution right does not inherit to new subfolders that i have copied or create, or if they created by some programms

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