Hi All,
A bit of backgound story :
A while ago I installed OMV with owncloud on a raspberry pi 2. (USB drive attached)
For this purpose I used the guide in this tread :
Owncloud 8 and MySQL: alternative approach
This is working.
Because the interaction with the system felt sluggish I decided to run another OMV & owncloud,.. this time on my windowsbased HTPC in a VMWARE environment.
The HTPC is a machine with 2 harddisk in it. The first is 500Gb and is used for the windows OS and now also holds the "OMV vmware OS " (stored in a single file)
The other harddisk is contains my media files and is NTFS.
I didn't use partitions.
In order to install owncloud I need to have a seperate disk/filesystem. -- > share folders option
For this purpose I added an usb stick and mounted it --> it's UID is visible under / media.
It has been formatted as Ext4.
The second step I did was to manually add a mount towards the windows file system
// 3.7T 1.1T 2.6T 29% /media/fdd3b9f6-03bb-4e1d-93ea-8059325b6083/share
This also is working and I can write to the system as root.
The idea is to add a mount towards to windows system so all files processed by owncloud end up on the windows system harddisk.
In the manual mentioned earlier (on owncloud) one needs to create a shared folder and use ACL to alter the rights.
This is where I get stuck.
Via the ACL I need to set permission but when doing so ,.. the GUI keeps on applying the changes ,..
after logging out and in again it stops.
However : without applying the ACL.
In another case I got an error message.
Failed to execute command 'export LANG=C; setfacl --remove-all -M '/tmp/setfaclFsnzEr' -- '/media/fdd3b9f6-03bb-4e1d-93ea-8059325b6083/share/BACKUP
The windows drive has been shared with read/write for everyone.
My questions :
Is this logic of using a usb drive to create a mount for owncloud the way to go ,..--> As I need to follow the steps in the manual ?
Any ideas on how to solve these issues ?
All and any help appreciated.