alert on completed rsync jobs

  • Hi all,

    I tried to find it but i couldn't. Is it really true that you can't get a mail alert for rsync jobs?



    About me:

    8 years experince as a IT consultant both filling the role as gerneral IT guy for small business to the role as expert within network, IT security, Storage and Virtualization
    Located in Denmark
    CEO of Ding IT

  • Hi and sorry for my late reply..

    I have set the "send output" checkbox but i don't get any email still..

    im trying to find a timestamp for when the job was finished at what date and time..

    can any of you help?

    About me:

    8 years experince as a IT consultant both filling the role as gerneral IT guy for small business to the role as expert within network, IT security, Storage and Virtualization
    Located in Denmark
    CEO of Ding IT

  • I did make some progress on this. I added lines 4,5 and 9,10

    Which creates an appended log /var/log/rsync-OMV.log

    What I'd really like to do is to be able to reference the rsync job's destination or comment, so that a job can append to a job-specific log file:

    e.g. /var/log/rsync-Installs.log

    Is there some reference/variable that I can read from the job to get this Destination or Comment value? e.g.:

    o "echo \"\$NOW BEGIN: ${srcuri}\" >> /var/log/rsync-${dst}.log" -n\

    In fact, I would like to know how to retrieve the Comment value for the job, and I would simply make the comment the filename of the log file, e.g.: /var/log/rsync-Installs.log. Reviewing this code:

    destsfref=$(omv_config_get "//services/rsync/jobs/job[uuid='${uuid}']/dest")

    I was wondering if there was a similar command to get the Comment value. I had guessed it to be like:

    logfile=$(omv_config_get "//services/rsync/jobs/job[uuid='${uuid}']/comment")

    but that didn't work.

  • Figured it out

    I modified /usr/share/openmediavault/mkconf/rsync:

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