Hi there,
I have a virtualization server based on Proxmox and I want to add NAS capabilities to it. I created a dedicated LXC container VM with Debian 8.6 (jessie) and installed OMV 3.0.57 (Erasmus) using the public APT-sources.
The installation gave me an error at two or three install scripts that are executed at the end of the installation process. I took a look at these scripts and they were trying to alter the boot configuration (which I don't have, since this is a container virtualized system using the host kernel / boot configuration) and fetch the connected drives with blkid (which also failed, since there are no block level devices associated with the container).
I skipped these steps with 'echo 0;' entries in these scripts and the installation finished.
I can use the web interface, start services, create certificates, users, groups and so on. Basically everything works except for creating shares. This is true for all types (ftp, nfs, rsync, smb/cifs ...) and all are failing because of the same reason: There are no disks, no drives, no filesystems.
What I need is a 'dummy' drive (which can be / or 'root') so that I can create shared folders and select my root FS in the dialog. I cannot select or create a drive since blkid does not return anything so I need to do this manually I guess. If this would be possible, I expect to be able to create network shares in the service section referencing this shared folder.
I'm aware that my use case is very different from what OMV expects (which is a bare metal installation). But my virtualization server has its focus on hosting VMs for different needs and I would like to have OMV to manage my NAS services since I like the web interface (very slim, extendable and easy to use).
This usecase may become more and more spreaded since I've seen others asking for this in a similar scenario.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!