Unable to install emby server on OMV jessie armhf with rock64

  • Hello everyone, just a little fyi, first time user of OMV and not super experienced in SSH/Linux.

    Ok so i can't get Emby to run,

    I am using : Linux rock64 4.4.77-rockchip-ayufan-136, it's a clean install.
    First i enabled enables OMV-Extras.org to download apt-tool.
    This didnt show up so i did update within webclient and it didnt work.
    So i went to SSH and did a apt-get update, now it's visible, and i installed it.
    Then i disabled OMV-Extras.org, and added + enabled the OpenSUSE repo.

    So in the webclient, i tried to install emby server in the webclient wich resulted in a error:

    So then i went back into SSH, tried to install in from there, and got another error:

    Frankly, i dont know what i am doing wrong.

  • so does that mean that it is not possible to install emby on the rock64 ?

    At least not from that repo. I would follow these steps: https://emby.media/linux-server.html (select Debian and then install the package as they recommend). You need the armhf version of course. And maybe you get a little more help over there in case you run into dependency or other troubles: http://uk.pine64.xyz:9090/?channels=ROCK64

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