Hi there,
I successfully installed the haugene-transmission-openvpn container. I'm using PIA as my OpenVPN service However, when I run curl ipconfig.me my internal IP of 172.x.x.x shows up, not an IP from PIA.
Can anyone help?
Hi there,
I successfully installed the haugene-transmission-openvpn container. I'm using PIA as my OpenVPN service However, when I run curl ipconfig.me my internal IP of 172.x.x.x shows up, not an IP from PIA.
Can anyone help?
curl icanhazip.com
I curled icanhazip.com, the ip is: - the same ip ipconfig.me & TorGuard show.
I'm a noob, but I know that this my private internal ip. When I look at the container log, it all looks good:
I'd appreciate any help. Thanks
My bad, I didn't see the .me on your command
I'll try to look at it later.
Thanks so much. This has had me pulling my hair out for days
The container is up and running without errors and the log shows that it has received a port from PIA.Does this mean it is set up correctly and the problem lies elsewhere in my OMV network setup? Or possible with my router?
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