Hello, first post here. Thank you for this wonderful software .
Unfortunately I have run into an issue within my first week of operation.
I'm running on a Pi 4 with OMV 5 and have been moving between locations, I have been shutting down OMV through the web interface. I've had the drive plugged in before startup.
OMV was setup through Raspbain Buter Lite, via SSH with PuTTY. OMV was grabbed from GitHub 'raw/master'.
The issue is that any system configuration changes cannot be saved. I keep having 'Error #0'. See attachment.
This seems to have happened when I was adding 'Mark_DTE_NAS' shared folder and then I couldn't successfully create the share within SMB/CIF. My first taught is a network error from the gateway.
However, even though the prompt tells me that the changed failed to save, the new folder 'Mark_DTE_NAS' now appears in my Windows PC file explorer. I'm to write and read a video I copied.
The other folder and shared 'Test-folder' was the first folder and share setup. This continues to work. I was even able to change access rights while this error prompted it could not be saved.
This is my first introduction to a NAS. I've found it easy so far to setup, etc. I plan on getting a better HDD soon. Might just be easier to reformat the Pi's SD card and start again.
Side note form this: During setup I remember formatting the drive, but can OMV handle only mounting the drive and retain any data previously on it?
Thank you!