Dear all, i need help to setup ssh login with publickey.
Short story :
I'v been using Omv for i few years, last week i switch from 4.x to 5 with a fresh install on my HP microserver gen8.
My setup is very simple , only snapraid , mergerFs , and fail2ban plugins , some docker containers and a simple nfs share for data .
Last night I tried to setup ssh access but with no luck
Steps i have done on my arch pc :
Create a key with : ssh-keygen -t rsa
Converting key with : ssh-keygen -e -f /home/daniele/.ssh/
Steps i have done on Omv-webui :
Create a shared folder home on dev/sda1
Create user daniele ( with access group ssh and sudo )
Set a home folder on home dev/sda1
Copy to publickey the generate before
Setup ssh with no root access, no password and enable ssh publickey
So , i think that is something stupid that I'm misssing , any of your advice would be useful.
Ok i'm feel stupid right now .....
I read another post and change to 755 / , now everythings work !!
OMG !!!!
Sorry for this post