since my 2.5Gb network card is not supported by Debian 9 I gave the update to OMV5 another shot.
Following running the script from post 38 here:
RE: OMV 5.0 - finally out! :-)
This error occured...is this a problem?
since my 2.5Gb network card is not supported by Debian 9 I gave the update to OMV5 another shot.
Following running the script from post 38 here:
RE: OMV 5.0 - finally out! :-)
This error occured...is this a problem?
If my reading is correct the command you are using just fails to deal with the prompt. So that sounds like you are running something in a docker image maybe? You'll have to tell apt how to deal with those prompts then. To go with the default action (keep the old ones) use:
sudo apt-get install -f -o DPkg::options::="--force-confdef" -o DPkg::options::="--force-confold"
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -o DPkg::options::="--force-confdef" -o DPkg::options::="--force-confold"
This will move the existing file out of the way and then install the one shipped by default.
The upgrade runs in non-interactive mode but still prompts. Irritating. Try:
apt-get --yes --option DPkg::Options::="--force-confnew" install systemd
Then run the upgrade script again.
The upgrade runs in non-interactive mode but still prompts. Irritating.
The referenced upgrade4to5 script does not run apt-get dist-upgrade non-interactively.
apt-get --yes --option DPkg::Options::="--force-confnew" install systemd
This should be run before the upgrade4to5 script to replace the customized logind.conf before the upgrade attempt to avoid the prompt or the apt-get dist-upgrade call in the script must be changed to something like this (to use the old conf files):
This will pre-define the prompt behavior. The --yes switch is actually not really necessary when using the --force-* options.
I ran your command with above results.
You are obviously trying to upgrade a system which does not offer a prompt. In this case you have to let apt know what it should do in this case. Two options: go with the new configuration files:
or go with the old ones:
So use either of those together with apt-get install -f or try reinstall the failing packages via apt-get install --reinstall <options> <package> after a failed attempt. Or make the fix (add either of the above to the apt-get dist-upgrade call) in the script before you run it
You'll need a recent kernel >= version 5.9 and a fairly recent firmware-realtek package. The ones in buster-backports should be fine.
The referenced upgrade4to5 script does not run apt-get dist-upgrade non-interactively.
Really? It is exporting the noninteractive DEBIAN_FRONTEND variable. https://github.com/OpenMediaVa…ob/master/upgrade4to5#L19
This should be run before the upgrade4to5 script to replace the customized logind.conf before the upgrade attempt to avoid the prompt or the apt-get dist-upgrade call in the script must be changed to something like this (to use the old conf files):
The systemd install command could be run in the script and not before. Using the old conf files does not always work. This is why the script upgrades the base-files package individually - https://github.com/OpenMediaVa…ob/master/upgrade4to5#L89
The --yes switch is actually not really necessary when using the --force-* options.
And it doesn't hurt either.
I realize I tell noobs to fresh install but that doesn't mean I have upgraded Debian thousands of times in the last 15+ years. I wrote a quick upgrade script to help. I never wanted to spend this much time on something that wasn't supported by OMV anyway. So, it might not be super comprehensive but it has worked for a lot of people. Some packages obviously have changed since that need tweaks.
Really? It is exporting the noninteractive DEBIAN_FRONTEND variable.
That will not make the conffile prompt disappear. The variable is for debconf and ucf and the installer.
The systemd install command could be run in the script and not before. Using the old conf files does not always work. This is why the script upgrades the base-files package individually
The hint was meant for how to avoid the conffile prompt. If you replace the conffile beforehand to its original the prompt won't appear. Still the user will be prompted for all the other affected services (monit, collectd, etc. - check out the picture posted showing all the failing packages).
I wrote a quick upgrade script to help. I never wanted to spend this much time on something that wasn't supported by OMV anyway. So, it might not be super comprehensive but it has worked for a lot of people. Some packages obviously have changed since that need tweaks.
The user is updating a (virtual) image of some kind. That's what I assume from all the information given. And in this case there is not always an STDIN available, a case the script didn't account for. All you have to do is to care about the conffile prompt at the dist-upgrade step. I really don't care if you keep the old conffiles or use the new ones. You are probably a lot more capable of deciding what's bets in case of OMV. But the script is dealing with a real issue here.
JFTR: The --yes switch and --force-confdef are actually conflicting messages. I think the latter has preference but I'm not sure if that's by choice or by coincidence.
All you have to do is to care about the conffile prompt at the dist-upgrade step. I really don't care if you keep the old conffiles or use the new ones. You are probably a lot more capable of deciding what's bets in case of OMV. But the script is dealing with a real issue here.
And that is what I am trying to tell you. base-files fails to upgrade if you keep the old files. But using new conf files in a dist-upgrade would most likely destroy an OMV system.
JFTR: The --yes switch and --force-confdef are actually conflicting messages. I think the latter has preference but I'm not sure if that's by choice or by coincidence.
The two switches are not quite conflicting. Maybe in the case of updating config files but there are other questions that yes will answer. Granted it shouldn't be needed for noninteractive.
Either way, I added the options to keep the old config files on the dist-upgrade and removed the --yes.
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