OMV on Dell Wyse 5020 won't boot with Seagate External USB3 hard drive plugged in

  • I have two external Seagate USB3 5TB hard drives connected via USB3 to a Dell Wyse 5020 thin client running OMV 5.5.11-1.

    All of a sudden, the system will not boot with them connected to USB3

    It doesn't even get to Grub menu - just hangs with a black screen.

    If I unplug both hard drives during the hang, it boots normally.

    It also boots normally if the drives are disconnected or connected to USB2 ports.

    The strange thing is that I have another drive of the same model formatted on OMV which boots fine in both USB3 and USB2 ports.

    I've have not changed the bios settings since it was working.

    Any suggestions?

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