Playing downloaded podcasts on OMV

    • Official Post

    Something isn't right here.. especially with duckdns logs showing your IP changing constantly. Is your laptop/client computer behind a VPN, when you check your duckdns account?

    Try this...

    SSH your server... and execute the following the command


    You should get an output something like this...

    It should give you an output something like this

    ken@openmediavault:~$ host
    Using domain server:
    Aliases:  has address YOUR.IP.HERE

    Does that IP address (where I put YOUR.IP.HERE) match your client machine ( and what is in duckdns?

    • Official Post

    Also, just so the OP is aware (not that I think it's his problem) but airsonic is going EOL and has been moved to "advanced airsonic".. Best I can tell, they are essentially the same. Only thing I've noticed is a few minor quirks.

    Here's the compose I used.

  • Just saw this. No it doesnt match. It only shows an IPV6 address. I do sometimes us a VPN but when I turn it off I restart my pc. I used it last week and now im getting the IP address changing constantly message. Swag is running according to my logs and its up. DuckDNS is the issue.

    • Official Post

    Just saw this. No it doesnt match. It only shows an IPV6 address. I do sometimes us a VPN but when I turn it off I restart my pc. I used it last week and now im getting the IP address changing constantly message. Swag is running according to my logs and its up. DuckDNS is the issue.

    That doesn't really matter. If you check your duckdns account while behind the vpn of a client, if is going to auto update with the public IP of the client (which is the vpn IP, and would explain this whole problem)

    Do you have linuxserver/duckdns container installed? It will auto update your duckdns domain with your public IP. IF YOUR WHOLE SERVER is behind the VPN, it's going to send the wrong IP to your duckdns account

  • That doesn't really matter. If you check your duckdns account while behind the vpn of a client, if is going to auto update with the public IP of the client (which is the vpn IP, and would explain this whole problem)

    Do you have linuxserver/duckdns container installed? It will auto update your duckdns domain with your public IP. IF YOUR WHOLE SERVER is behind the VPN, it's going to send the wrong IP to your duckdns account

    I didnt check the duckdns account while on my VPN of my PC. Its so strange watching literally every few minutes the log in linuxserver/duckdns constantly say IP updated every few minutes while on my PC the VPN is not on. We did set up a VPN for transmission on the server. Could that do this? Yes linuxserver/duckdns container is installed on my Server.

    • Official Post

    I didnt check the duckdns account while on my VPN of my PC. Its so strange watching literally every few minutes the log in linuxserver/duckdns constantly say IP updated every few minutes while on my PC the VPN is not on. We did set up a VPN for transmission on the server. Could that do this? Yes linuxserver/duckdns container is installed on my Server.

    It shouldn't, unless you're trying to route airsonic through the VPN as well.. or trying to route transmission through swag. I could see this happening if you're doing that... It picks up the VPN for transmission, changes it, then the duckdns container immediately changes it back as it's not being the VPN

  • It shouldn't, unless you're trying to route airsonic through the VPN as well.. or trying to route transmission through swag. I could see this happening if you're doing that... It picks up the VPN for transmission, changes it, then the duckdns container immediately changes it back as it's not being the VPN

    Nope I havent touched the transmission container since we set it up back then. How do I go about fixing this?

    • Official Post

    My good luck continues lol. Im doing an experiment while at work tonight. I turned off the transmission vpn container. Its been 20 minutes and so far the IP updated message hasnt appeared in duckdns log.

    That is weird.

    Do you by chance have airsonic and transmission in the same stack?

    • Official Post

    No and after an hr it went back to "ip address has updated" messages every few minutes again.

    One last thing...

    Look at your log, does it show the specific IP's involved? Are the IP's consistent (ie it's always jumping between and or do the numbers seem totally random?

    If they are constantly the same IP address, then it would suggest there is a configuration issue somewhere (where I have no idea, I've pulled certs 100's of times and never had this issue). If they are random... I have no idea what the hell that would mean

  • One last thing...

    Look at your log, does it show the specific IP's involved? Are the IP's consistent (ie it's always jumping between and or do the numbers seem totally random?

    If they are constantly the same IP address, then it would suggest there is a configuration issue somewhere (where I have no idea, I've pulled certs 100's of times and never had this issue). If they are random... I have no idea what the hell that would mean

    The logs dont show the IP. It just says "Your IP was updated at Tue Mar 1 14:02:00 New 2022" over and over again.

    • Official Post

    The logs dont show the IP. It just says "Your IP was updated at Tue Mar 1 14:02:00 New 2022" over and over again.


    There has to be a log somewhere on the IP changing.

    Unfortunately I'm totally out of ideas on this issue.

  • How is the IP beeing updated?

    Duckdns YML?

    Or some other way?

    Thats what I dont know. The only VPN container I have is TransmissionVPN which was the first thing I setup with KM0201's help. It doesnt affect any other containers. In duckdns it has my correct IP in duckdns homepage and its not changing on the homepage but the logs keeps saying "ip was updated"

    • Official Post

    Thats what I dont know. The only VPN container I have is TransmissionVPN which was the first thing I setup with KM0201's help. It doesnt affect any other containers. In duckdns it has my correct IP in duckdns homepage and its not changing on the homepage but the logs keeps saying "ip was updated"

    How often is it saying this? What are the timestamps on the duckdns log?

  • How often is it saying this? What are the timestamps on the duckdns log?

    It can range from second to minutes or hours. Here is an example of the logs:

  • You didn't answer my question:

    Post the yml that you use for duckdns.

    And the log shows an IP update every 5minutes flat.

    Its better to have a shell script running on cron every 6hours, in my opinion.

    There's instructions on the duckdns page.

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