After each OMV update, I would like to run some commands automatically... not something very complicated, like re-set my dark web theme and the graph size in OMV stats pages for example.
This could be done with those CLI commands :
# Dark OMV theme
cd /var/www/openmediavault/css; cp defaults.sav defaults.scss
make all; chown openmediavault-webgui:openmediavault-webgui *; chmod 664 *;
# OMV Graphs
sed -i 's/400/1400/' /usr/sbin/omv-mkrrdgraph; sed -i 's/120/200/' /usr/sbin/omv-mkrrdgraph;
So... Should I stay with a script that I have to manually run after each upgrade, or is there a nice way to automatically execute those commands after each update (salt ?).
Any idea is welcome...