Snapraid process started in web GUI, then logged out - how to connect to process?

  • I used the web GUI to start a snapraid check and it was running fine. Then the web GUI lost connection (might be related to my Mac going to sleepmode).

    I now see the running process. It takes longer than I expected and I would like to connect to the process to see its output. How to I do it?

    Also, I would like to end the process. Probably just kill it. But I don't want to harm snapraid.

    The /var/log/snapraid.log says this and does not refer to the (still) running check. Start and finished are related to my new attemps to start a check in the GUI (which did not work).

    [2021-04-18 06:57:23] omv-snapraid-gui: INFO: STATUS - Manually started
    [2021-04-18 06:57:23] omv-snapraid-gui: INFO: STATUS - Finished
    [2021-12-22 09:27:57] omv-snapraid-gui: INFO: CHECK - Manually started
    [2021-12-22 19:33:36] omv-snapraid-gui: INFO: CHECK - Manually started
    [2021-12-22 19:33:37] omv-snapraid-gui: INFO: CHECK - Finished
    [2021-12-22 19:33:50] omv-snapraid-gui: INFO: STATUS - Manually started
    [2021-12-22 19:33:51] omv-snapraid-gui: INFO: STATUS - Finished
    • Official Post

    You can't. Sorry. It *might* still be logging to a temp file in /tmp but never looked.

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