Recycle bin does not work or appear

  • Hello!

    How are you?

    We have an OMV in production version: (usul)

    There are many share folders but, only some shares appear in the terminal .recycle folder (with command ls -la). I configured by samba OMV web configure. How to activate the recycle folder to work with the share folders in right mode?

    Here samba share configuration with recycle active but not working:

    Please, somebody can Help me!

    Thank you so much


    Douglas Giovani Oechsler

  • Did you solve this problem? I seem to have experience the same or a similar issue I am also running version 5.6.24-1 and I have the recycle bin enabled on all of my samba shares:

    Yesterday I deleted a number of files by mistake and wanted to restore them now but the .recycle directory on the share is empty. Are they lost?

  • Hello!

    Still not solved the problem with .recycle. I do not understand because some directory have the .recycle directory and works nice. Others directories are selected to have .recycle enable but does appear (using ls -la command) into the directory,

    I am trying to find how to fix this!

    Douglas Giovani Oechsler

  • Is there any progress on this topic? It also happens to me.

    In fact, my problem is that some shares simply do not create the .recycle folder when deleting, and some only store the folders but not the contents. Others work as expected, but only sometimes. I have configured all the shares with 0 file size restriction and 30 day removal through the web UI and never touched any file by hand.

    I have to say that all the sahres source from mergerFS filesystems configured with the official plugin, and most of them contain ACL configurations. I'm also running snapraid, but I don't see how this could be a problem.


    OMV 5.6.26-1

    Kernel 5.10.0-0.bpo.15-amd64

    Samba version 4.9.5-Debian

    If someone needs more debug info to get more insight I can send full configuration files.

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