OMV 6.X (RC1) Active Directory

    • Official Post

    This is for OMV6. Here is a newer version for OMV7.

    Both seem to be working but read the whole thread because others have contributed to them.



    This seems to be working fine and surviving updates. There is some info about ftp and ssh in the 8th post. Thanks to WiiFriik for that. Please read the whole thread before trying this. There are a few recommendations for other servers.

    For freeipa AD see RE: OMV 6.X (RC1) Active Directory . Thanks MacroMars

    Feedback welcome.

    If anybody can write a plugin that would be welcome.

    This is early so try at your own risk. It works with my 2012r2 server. That is all I have to test against. Hopefully it work with other AD servers. No idea if this will work on other than x86 hardware or vm. See post 14 below for samba ad controller. Thanks.

    The goal is to only use debian packages and do as little manipulation as possible. I wanted to do it with sssd only and not include winbind but could not get it to work. Adding winbind later seems to be necessary or realm will use winbind and I was not able to get it working that way.

    This is my notes and I hope the format is readable. I use ssh as root to enter the commands. I think the order is important but some of the apt commands can probably be combined.


    Domain =

    There are two domain controllers = dc1,dc2 both are also dns


    Clean install of 6.0-34 iso

    Might work for existing install but not tested

    Be sure to set domain name

    root@omvad3:~# apt update

    root@omvad3:~# apt dist-upgrade

    Could be done in web ui. Not tested

    reboot to run new kernel

    In web ui apply the changes

    Be sure these are correct

    If you use dhcp it may be ok but check these!

    Set ntp to domain time server and time zone

    If more than one use coma separator and no spaces

    Set network to static and domain dns servers

    root@omvad3:~# apt install realmd policykit-1

    Will install some dependencies too

    root@omvad3:~# realm discover

    Should give details including "client-software: sssd"

    root@omvad3:~# apt install sssd sssd-tools libnss-sss libpam-sss adcli samba-common-bin packagekit-tools

    Will install some deoendancies too

    root@omvad3:~# realm join -U donadmin

    root@omvad3:~# systemctl status sssd

    Should report "Active: active (running)"

    root@omvad3:~# apt install libsss-simpleifp0 libsss-sudo

    root@omvad3:~# sssctl domain-list

    Should show your domain

    root@omvad3:~# id

    Should show info about user

    root@omvad3:~# sssctl domain-status

    Should show info about domain

    Online status: Online

    Active servers:

    AD Global Catalog:

    AD Domain Controller:

    Discovered AD Global Catalog servers:



    Discovered AD Domain Controller servers:



    In the web ui setup SMB/CIFS

    Set workgroup in capital letters

    Home directories not tested but might work

    Can be added later

    In extra options set this

    security = ads

    kerberos method = secrets and keytab

    realm = EXAMPLE.COM

    winbind enum users = yes

    winbind enum groups = yes

    # Default ID mapping configuration using the rid

    # idmap backend. This will work out of the box for simple setups

    # as well as complex setups with trusted domains.

    idmap config * : backend = tdb

    idmap config * : range = 3000-7999

    idmap config EXAMPLE : backend = rid

    idmap config EXAMPLE : range = 10000-9999999

    winbind use default domain = yes

    root@omvad3:~# apt install winbind libsss-sudo libnss-winbind libpam-winbind libwbclient0

    root@omvad3:~# cp /etc/nsswitch.conf /etc/nsswitch.conf.bak

    root@omvad3:~# nano /etc/nsswitch.conf

    Change these two lines

    passwd: files sss

    group: files sss


    passwd: files winbind

    group: files winbind

    root@omvad3:~# "net rpc join -U donadmin" or "net ads join -U donadmin"

    root@omvad3:~# reboot #May not be needed


    Users and Groups from the domain should show in the web ui now

    Create a share and you should be able to add acl as needed

    Suggestions and other input welcome.

    Good luck



    System Information

    6.0.15-1 (Shaitan)

    AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 6366 HE

    Linux 5.15.0-0.bpo.3-amd64

    System time
    3/4/2022, 11:51:48 AM

    an hour

    • Official Post

    I think OMV may not restart winbind when it may be needed so if things get wonky after applying something. I wrote a small script to restart and clear the ad db. Not sure if there might be others but this has worked so far.

    Update 3/23: apt install needrestart may be enough. Also please check for ls -la /etc/krb5.keytab. It may be getting modified by some updates. Joining the network might fix this. net join -U donadmin



    systemctl stop sssd smbd nmbd winbind

    rm /var/lib/sss/db/*

    systemctl start sssd smbd nmbd winbind

    exit 0

    chmod +x


    • Official Post

    Small update to the first post to fix some startup errors.

    I think it is running good enough and would encourage others to try it and let us know how it goes.

    First ftp causes slow boot. So if not using it.

    services ftp enable

    save and apply

    service ftp disable

    save and apply

    I think this can be done after finishing the first post. But could also be done after joining the domain once the sssd.conf file is generated.

    nano /etc/sssd/sssd.conf

    On the line that reads "services = " delete pam, nss and save. This should eliminate some errors on startup. I still see one about nfs but it seems harmless and could not find an easy answer.

    • Official Post

    Well I only see one person who has tried this so maybe nobody cares. It worked for him.

    It has been working well but it does not get much use so it is nice to see it works for a few hundred users.

    It would be nice to hear if it works with other os's. Or how others are doing it.

    Anyway one more little tweak to clean the logs up. Add this to the smb extra options.

    server services = +winbind

    • Official Post

    There is a change coming that may affect AD.

  • Thanks for the description, it was really easy to follow also for a non-expert like me. Loging in vs. samba is working well for domain users, also the NFS shares for my mediaplayer are working like before with OMV 5. But I encounter some problems, which are surely caused by my missing knowledge abbout that stuff.

    Here are my open topics:

    • Logging in via ssh for domain users iss not working (putty simply is crashing when I try that, using root user is working). I entered the following line in ssh extra options - "AllowGroups root ssh "domänen-benutzer"", because german domain.
    • Logging on to FTP (using FTP rush) is not working for domain users but for root user - I always get the error "Login incorrect" when trying with a domain user. I used this already with OMV 5 integrated in a AD, which was working fine.
    • I activated the "home directories" option in samba, then a folder "homes" is visible, but empty. I entred the location of my user directories in the samba extra options. Then they also visible (folder "homes" also), but not accessible (would be an ACL problem I think).

    I think these problems aare causing smiles in your faces, because they are probably simple to fix, but as I wrote in the beginning I'm no expert, I think noob is beter classification for my skills with linux and OMV stuff.

    Would be nice if you or someone else has the idea(s) and the time to help me in this cases.

    Finally I want to say, that I really appreciate all the work which is done here and the help which is given in this forum. Please excuse, If my problems are already solved in other posts in this forum and I havn't found them.

    • Official Post

    Thanks for testing. What AD are you connecting to?

    My goal was only to connect only to AD for authentication of samba. That is why you see the above. I have not used the other services for years. That said it should not be too hard to get them working. The users and groups are showing up with getent passwd and getent group and I think that is where OMV gets them from for the web ui. So I would think you should be able to create a share and assign groups and or users to it.

    Not sure why you want users ssh ing to OMV. But from the ssh settings page. Users must be assigned to the ssh group to be able to log in via SSH. So I guess you would need to create an "ssh user" in AD. Look at man sssd.conf there is some stuff about ssh service I think.

    Also I didn't try to manage AD from OMV.

    Please add what you learn so we can all learn also.

    PS: As you search you will find that even many experienced users are noobs at AD. Learn and share.

  • Hello, I 'm using a Windows Server 2012 R2 as domain controller.

    Finally I've got everything working, and here is what I've done in case of my questions in post #6:

    1. Home directories
      - First step is making a shared folder (location of user files), this folder must not be integrated into any service, just be present.
      - In "Users" section of OMV activate "Home directories" under settingd and choose the shared folder.
      - In "SMB/CIFS" section of services on the settings page enter two lines in "Extra Options":
      - template shell = /bin/bash (This line also is relevant for SSH login and FTP login)
      - template homedir = /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-xxxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxx/Folder-Name/%U
      (This is the complete path to the user home directories, for each user a folder must be present (named like the user))

      After accepting the changes, the user folder should be visible as shared folder when connecting via samba with OMV.
      If you want to automatically create a folder for the users on first logon in OMV, then maybe this post can be a help Guide how to join OpenMediaVault 3.x in an Active Directory domain, look in the "Enable mkhomedir" section.
    2. Logging in with Domain-Users via SSH
      - Just enter the group which should have acces via SSH in "Extra Options" of SSH service, like Allowgroups "domain users" ssh.
      - After accepting the changes in OMV WEB-UI it should be possible to login via ssh with domain users (or admins or...).
    3. Login via FTP using a domain user.
      - When points 1 and 2 are done, also FTP login should work without problems. It is not neccessary to perform additional actions.
      - in /etc/pam.d/common-account add the line "account sufficient"
      - in /etc/pam.d/common-auth add the line "auth sufficient"

    This is just an update how I solved the problem for me.

  • I had to edit point 3 in my previous post #8.

    I believed that there was nothing else neccessary, because the FTP login worked for a domain user. It was also visible in the system log of ftp.

    Seems that it was a random event, because I was not able to reproduce it.

    After adding the two lines in the pam.d config files, it is working.

    I edited my post #8, because point 3 was not correct.

  • Hello I am not an expert and also am from germany like WiiFriik :)

    @donh Thank you for your guide.

    In my homelab I have Windows Server 2019 and I successfully installed OMV6 (multiple times actually on VM’s for testing 😊) and added those to AD.

    I have several questions, though.

    If I add multiple DNS servers in (web ui (Home → Network → Interfaces))

    I see this comment in my /etc/resolv.conf

    Code: /etc/resolv.conf
    nameserver <domain IP>
    # Too many DNS servers configured, the following entries may be ignored.
    search <my domain>

    Q1. should I change that?

    During the installation(which apperently ends succesfully) of apt install sssd sssd-tools libnss-sss libpam-sss adcli samba-common-bin packagekit-tools

    I see this among the Output:

    Q2. should I ignore this? Also do i need to install samba-common-bin? Or can I skip it?

    I found other guides where they also add this:

    Code: /etc/sssd/sssd.conf
    override_homedir = /home/%u@%d
    ad_gpo_access_control = permissive

    and also change UID_MAX and GID_MAX in

    Q3. should I also ignore this? It's working without those changes.

    During my multiple OMV installations I sometimes encountered weird outputs with sssctl domain-status <mydomain>

    somtimes like this:

    and somtimes like this (which is also my current output):

    Online status: Online
    Active servers:
    AD Global Catalog: not connected
    AD Domain Controller: <dc.mydomain>
    Discovered AD Global Catalog servers:
    None so far.
    Discovered AD Domain Controller servers:
    - <dc.mydomain>

    I have no idea why.

    Q4. should I be concerned?

    Also instead of net rpc join -U donadmin I used net ads join -U donadmin because I read somewhere that rpc is used to join NT4 domain host.

    Also my output of systemctl status nmbd winbind

    Q5. what does mbd.service do? And should it be active?

    Q6. Should I ignore those errors in winbind.service?

    Also during booting my OMV shortly shows this:

    Q7. should I also ignore this?

    I really appreciate your guide.

    • Official Post

    Thanks for testing.

    Q1: AD depends heavily on dns. Make sure your local names resolve properly.

    nslookup yourdnsip

    Q2: I installed samba-common-bin and seem to remember it was a dependency. But I am not sure. I think the errors during install of sssd are because there is no sssd.conf so it can't start.

    Q3: There are many options in sssd.conf. I only did as much as I needed to get it to work for me. Add whatever you need for you situation. I didn't need to edit login.defs but have had to in the past. Maybe due to server version?

    Will look more later.

    • Official Post

    Q4: If it is working don't worry about it. There is a command I can't remember that will populate those. Maybe

    this. id

    Q5: mbd.service? nmbd is a way to resolve windows names. 2019 may not need it but it is installed by winbind I think.

    Q6: I don't know those errors.

    Q7: See the 3rd post.

    If you find anything else let us know.


  • Hey,

    really a greate Job! Its working perfect with my two ubuntu SAMBA4 AD-Controller Version 4.16.4. and 4.15.9

    Only the join was not working with rpc but with "net ads join -U donadmin"

    After a restart all users and groups are visible at the web interface of my OMV Version 6.0.44-1 on a raspi4 :)

    Also kerberos is working open shares with my mac and windows machines.

    Great Joob, thanks for sharing.

    greetings phiku

  • So this was incredibly helpful, and has been working for me for a while now. All of a sudden, though, it appears as though I've fallen out of the domain somehow and I can't get my machine to rejoin.

    id <user>@<domain> returns nothing. I don't see my domain users when I do a getent passwd, and no domain groups when I do a getent groups.

    All SMB connection attempts to shares that don't allow guest access are immediately rejected; attempts to connect to shares that do allow guests still works.

    I don't even know how to begin troubleshooting this... but here's what I can see so far:

    root@nas1:~# net ads status
    ads_find_dc: no realm or workgroup!  Don't know what to do
    Enter root's password:
    ads_find_dc: no realm or workgroup!  Don't know what to do
    ads_find_dc: no realm or workgroup!  Don't know what to do
    ads_find_dc: no realm or workgroup!  Don't know what to do

    root@nas1:~# sssctl domain-list

    journalctl --unit=winbind shows a *ton* of errors. Like, multiple every second. The ones that look relevant are:

    Oct 21 20:44:08 nas1 winbindd[768]:   SPNEGO login failed: The attempted logon is invalid. This is either due to a bad username or authentication information.
    Oct 21 20:44:08 nas1 winbindd[768]: [2022/10/21 20:44:08.361907,  1] ../../source3/winbindd/winbindd_cm.c:1163(cm_prepare_connection)
    Oct 21 20:44:08 nas1 winbindd[768]:   authenticated session setup to dc1.<my.domain> using <DOMAIN>\NAS1$ failed with NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE
    Oct 21 20:44:08 nas1 winbindd[768]: [2022/10/21 20:44:08.362068,  3] ../../source3/winbindd/winbindd_cm.c:673(cm_get_ipc_userpass)
    Oct 21 20:44:08 nas1 winbindd[768]:   cm_get_ipc_userpass: No auth-user defined
    Oct 21 20:44:08 nas1 winbindd[768]: [2022/10/21 20:44:08.362173,  3] ../../source3/winbindd/winbindd_cm.c:673(cm_get_ipc_userpass)
    Oct 21 20:44:08 nas1 winbindd[768]:   cm_get_ipc_userpass: No auth-user defined
    Oct 21 20:44:08 nas1 winbindd[768]: [2022/10/21 20:44:08.362381,  1] ../../source3/winbindd/winbindd_cm.c:1309(cm_prepare_connection)
    Oct 21 20:44:08 nas1 winbindd[768]:   Failed to prepare SMB connection to dc1.<my.domain>: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE

    I've tried the fixAD script, tried rebooting, tried leaving the domain and re-joining. So far, nothing seems to work.

    Does anyone have any ideas?

    Update: looks like winbind isn't always starting, and when it fails, it's failing to connect to EXAMPLE. I don't know where this is set, but it's clearly wrong...

    also, sssctl seems to confirm authentication failure, but it also confirms that it can get some info from the domain.

    • Official Post

    What type ad server? Did you update anything? Like auto updates maybe.

    First thing I would do on omv is nslookup your ad server.

    If that works try to join the domain. Either net rpc join -U user or net ads join -U user.

    There are more options too.

  • Thanks for the fast reply, donh!

    tl:dr: Your reply was enough to get me to my answer. I needed to set the following in /etc/samba/smb.conf:

    security = ads #(had previously been set to user)
    realm = MY.DOMAIN #( my full domain name, in all caps. e.g., after the @ when logging in with user@my.domain. Was previously not set at all)
    workgroup = DOMAIN #(The workgroup version of the domain name... i.e everything before the slash when logging in using with domain\user)

    I don't know how it ever worked before... if I had it set correctly and something reverted my settings (like a package update or a fat finger maybe? no idea). I don't remember setting them... so either one of my updates broke it, or the setting somehow reverted.

    Posting everything I ran into and what solved it so the next person (or future me, when I run into this again) knows what to do.

    First, try to net join:

    root@nas1:~# net rpc join -U administrator
    cannot join as standalone machine
    root@nas1:~# net ads join -U administrator
    Host is not configured as a member server.
    Invalid configuration.  Exiting....
    Failed to join domain: This operation is only allowed for the PDC of the domain.

    Found this article that indicated I needed to set security = ads in /etc/samba/smb.conf: . Set security = ads, bounced smbd, and tried again:

    root@nas1:/etc/samba# net ads join -U administrator
    realm must be set in in /etc/samba/smb.conf for ADS join to succeed.
    Invalid configuration.  Exiting....
    Failed to join domain: The parameter is incorrect.

    Google got me closer:…-a-windows-domain-117896/ . Apparently there's a realm variable that I need to add in smb.conf.

    I set realm = MY.DOMAIN, bounced smbd tried again:

    net ads join -U administrator
    Enter administrator's password:
    Failed to join domain: Invalid configuration ("workgroup" set to 'WORKGROUP', should be 'DOMAIN') and configuration modification was not requested

    Google again, turns out there's a workgroup variable that I was missing.

    I set workgroup = DOMAIN, bounced smbd, tried again:

    root@nas1:/etc/samba# net ads join -U administrator
    Enter administrator's password:
    Using short domain name -- DOMAIN
    Joined 'OMV' to dns domain 'my.domain'

    Looks like it worked! So I test it with id user@my.domain. Nothing found.

    systemctl restart winbind, then try the id command again. This time I get user info.

    Test accessing it from a domain-joined machine, and it's working as expected now.

    Thanks again so much for the help. It was just the push I needed.

  • donh It’s years since I’ve touched anything to do with domain controllers, but I seem to remember configs for joining AD-DC either used SSSD or winbind, rather than both. Did you ever try using winbind alone, or is that not possible?

    I was looking at this example…?os=Debian_11&p=samba&f=4

    and noticed “systemd” had been added to /etc/nsswitch.conf, I believe this relates to systems like OMV6 that use the systemd-resolved.service. For some reason “systemd” is missing from /etc/nsswitch.conf in a default install of OMV6, whereas it’s present in a default install of debian 11 and also appears in the nsswitch config of my kubuntu install. I wonder if that might relate to any glitches you’ve seen, or perhaps there's a specific reason it's not present in OMV6.

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