I have one very old Fedora 17 Linux machine that refuses to negotiate using SMB2 protocol with my RaspberryPi 4 OS Lite. This is the lowest supposedly common SMB protocol between the two. Yesterday I found that Fedora for whatever reason quietly disabled SMB2 in the version of Samba they shipped with that release. RPi 4 OS uses Samba 4.13 which can use SMB2 if configured to use it. But was never able to get these two to talk. Always getting protocol negotiation error. So I gave up on SMB sharing between these two and instead now trying NFS. The issue with NFS is that you must match UID/GID between machines or you get weird behavior. Sometimes files won't move/copy or if they will move/copy but you'll lose timestamps. In order to everything to work properly you have to match UID/GID between the machines.
So today on each machine I created what will be a known system account for use with OMV NFS like this:
pi@raspberrypi-nas:~ $ sudo useradd -r --uid 975 -U omvnfs
pi@raspberrypi-nas:~ $ grep omvnfs /etc/passwd
pi@raspberrypi-nas:~ $ grep omvnfs /etc/group
pi@raspberrypi-nas:~ $
I go into OMV6 and try to import this user. It acts like it succeeded but no new user appears in the list of users. So is there some magic potion I'm not aware of here to get this user imported?