Hi everyone!
I have been away from the forum for quite a while because my OMV 4 NAS is running flawlessly :). I'm well aware of "never change a running system", but I think it is time that I move to OMV 6. Quick info about my system
230GB Partitioned NVMe boot drive with second partition working as storage drive
3x 8TB WD Red running Snapraid (2x Data, 1x Parity... duh)
Docker plugin with containers like (sonarr, radarr, transmission)
Flashmemory plugin
FTP plugin
Letsencrypt plugin
HomeAssistant running as VM in Virtualbox
Intel i3-8100T
16GB Memory
I'm not trying to find out if all of these services and plugins can run on OMV 6 and whats the best way to get there. Complete fresh install? Upgrading to 5 and then from 5 to 6? Can I backup all the shared folder and users and it's settings as well? How do I backup all the docker container configs? Will Snapraid be able to understand the running config or will it have to start from scratch on the parity drive? Whats the easiest way to backup and restore my boot drive for emergency cases? dd?
Thanks a lot for some input and suggestions!