mariadb no longer working after update

  • Hi all,

    [using latest OMV6, latest omv-extras => docker and portainer versions, Linux 6.0.0-0.deb11.6-amd64]

    I'm currently a little stuck in a problem with my mariadb docker container. Everything worked without any problem running the container that I created last October (10.9.3 jammy). Some days ago, I updated this container to mariadb:latest (=> 10.10.2-jammy) using portainer as I always do.

    After updating the container image, I get the following errors during container-startup

    [Entrypoint]: Entrypoint script for MariaDB Server 1:10.10.2+maria~ubu2204 started.
    [Entrypoint]: Switching to dedicated user 'mysql'
    error: exec: "/usr/local/bin/": stat /usr/local/bin/ permission denied

    I tried without solving the problem

    • reinstall the container
    • fall back to 10.9.3 (that I used before)
    • download 10.9.4
    • install mariadb:latest, but without binding the volume I used before
    • reinstall docker / uninstall and install docker

    I had the same problem with Syncthing which I also updated that day, but I was able to resolve this problem by stepping back to the image version I ran before.

    Any ideas?

    Bye and thanks in advance,


  • Sorry, I'm not very familiar with docker, so if you may perhaps tell me how to change the user?

    What I tried in the image with portainer was -> advanced container settings -> command & logging -> user -> set value to 'root' (without the quotes). Unfortunately, this didn't change anything. Same error message as before.

  • Is there really nobody having this problem? I'm still stuck in this issue. In the meantime docker and portainer, as well as mariadb received updates, but none of them resolved the problem. Is there anybody having an idea to solve the problem? Help is really appreciated...

  • Do you have any YML that you use to create the container?

    Or from where did you follow instructions?

    You can post the logs to see if it shows something.

  • Hi

    OMV6 Hewlett-Packard HPE-411at - Intel Core i7 CPU 870 @ 2.93GHz - 16GB Ram

    Proxmox omv 7 sandworm Dell OptiPlex 7050 i5-6500 CPU @ 3.20GHz - 32GB Ram (Test!!!!)

  • Hi Soma thanks for your quick reply. So here goes the log, that I see in Portainer:

     2023-02-11 12:22:59+00:00 [Note] [Entrypoint]: Entrypoint script for MariaDB Server 1:10.10.3+maria~ubu2204 started.
     2023-02-11 12:23:00+00:00 [Note] [Entrypoint]: Switching to dedicated user 'mysql'
     error: exec: "/usr/local/bin/": stat /usr/local/bin/ permission denied

    My procedure is as follows:

    • Installation of docker and portainer using the omv-extras, OMV is 6.3.0-2. Other container run without problems.
    • In Portainer I create or update the mariadb container (docker -> mariadb:latest), today I deleted the existing container and created a fresh one. Same outcome.
    • After creation, the container starts and immediately exits with error code 1 and the log output above

    The inspect output goes here, if it may be of any help:

  • Thanks Wolf2000 for the link. I installed docker and portainer via omv-extras. Basically docker seems to work, as I'm able to run portainer itself, as well as syncthing and phpmyadmin in this environment. My OMV box is not accessible from the internet, the problem currently just applies to the mariadb container, that refuses to start due to an access right problem it seems.

  • maybe this helps?

    What does nextcloud has to do with his issue with mariadb?

    Did he mentioned anything about NC?


    Any reason to use mariadb from Portainer?

    And if you have phpmyadmin, one can only assume it's for the mariadb, correct?

    Try stopping phpmyadmin and restart mariadb.

    Better info is needed.

    And if you only need a dB to use and don't mind start fresh, you can use a simple YML from linuxserver.

    This is from phone so, not the best answer.

  • maybe this helps?

    compare it with the picture before

    Hi Wolf2000 , thanks for trying to help, but I have no nextCloud installed. My issue is just related to a mariadb docker container, that I set up using portainer and the container refuses to start. But thanks anyway, cheers.

  • Thanks for your answer and trying to help me.

    Regarding mariadb being used from portainer:

    Some years ago, I started with docker, set up all containers I needed including mariadb. I used portainer, since for me it is a quite easy way of managing containers on OMV. And until now, everything worked without any problems on my system. Then the other day, the update of the mariadb container failed, as I described.


    Yes, I'm using this container just for "managing" the mariadb databases. I tried stopped the phpmyadmin container and tried once again to start mariadb afterwards, but the mariadb container still throws the same error message as mentioned in mariadb no longer working after update">#7 above.

    When you write "better info is needed", I would kindly ask you to tell me which information you would need to better see the issue.

    Bye, Lars.

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