Hello. Tried OMV v5 and v6 without success. I create a SMB shared folder and I can access it via \\OMV\Folder but not with \\\Folder
When I do
ping omv
I see such replies
Pinging omv.local [fe80::20c:29ff:feea:2222%14] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from fe80::20c:29ff:feea:2222%14: time<1ms
But in the config I see that IPv6 is set to disabled.
What's wrong with this software? How can I access a shared folder via OMV's IP?
When I enabled-disabled IPv6 it became truly disabled, so now ping looks ordinary
ping omv
Pinging omv [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
But funny thing, now I can't access my share even via name \\OMV\Folder
Looks like OMV became undiscoverable - I don't see it in Network anymore.
There's a bunch of shares from Windows PCs in my network, and they work fine via IP.