Hi everyone,
Let me propose a variation on a question which was solved. We have an omv6 server at the office. I created a folder on it, which can be seen from every pc (win, linux and mac) in the room. They are mostly debian linux, We use windows applications for ocr and advanced pdf functions via wine-playonlinux. Here the solution that we adopted so that it works.
folder mounting:
# mkdir -p /mnt/servername
# mount -t cifs //servername/foldername -o username=xxx,password=yyy /mnt/servername
# cd /mnt/servername
boot mount:
edit the fstab with: sudo gedit /etc/fstab
then enter the line
//ipstatic/sharedfoldername /mnt/servername cifs _netdev,nofail,auto,user=xxx,password=yyy 0 0
That's how it works. We have neither a credential nor a backup problem.
Now, here is the actual issue: a large external hard disk has been added to omv6, and we created from inside omv6 GUI a separate network folder "B" , which is physically located on the external drive (while folder A is located on a partition of the internal drive of the server). Both folders are perfectly accessible from the linux finder and win10 explorer. On the other hand, wine applications do not see the added hard disk. So I tried to vary the editing of fstab and insert an additional line in which the name of the shared folder is B. The result is that now we see B, but we don't see A. I would need a solution that mounts, even in startup , both folders. Alternatively, I should know where omv6 mounts the usb devices in order to go and look for that directory from within the wine application. But the first possibility is probably better. In other words: the procedure described above works with a folder inside a fileserver or with the folder in the external drive; how can I proceed to mount two or more folders available in the same server, but in different disks?
I will be grateful for some help.
Thank you very much