USB Backup plugin -

  • Hello,

    So I have recently started using USBbackup plugin to backup my NAS onto my external HDD and it is my understanding that when I connect my USB to the NAS, it automatically mounts the HDD, runs backup and then unmount it. After the backup, I wanted to check the files on the HDD but since its automatically unmounted, I am unable to do so. My question is:

    1. How can I safely mount the HDD again without trigerring the USB backup just so I can safely browse my files on HDD.

    2. Because of ext formatting, I am unable to check those files from my windows PC. Is there a solution for this ?

    Question for developers:

    1. When the plugin starts and stops the backup, it trigger the buzzer. Is there a plan to add a visual indicator for this? I've configured email notification which sends me the logs but a visual indicator will help me be sure that NO backup process if ongoing before i pull out the cable.


    • Official Post

    How can I safely mount the HDD again without trigerring the USB backup just so I can safely browse my files on HDD.

    You can mount the filesystem from the GUI of OMV. Check the content from CLI; Umount when done.

    Because of ext formatting, I am unable to check those files from my windows PC. Is there a solution for this ?

    several options

    1. install third party software that allows you to access ext4 filesystems
    2. boot into a Linux live distro
    3. set up a VM on Windows with Linux
    4. mount the filesystem on the USB drive and create a shared folder; add the shared folder to smb; access the smb share from your windows PC; when done revert everything
  • Is it possible to use in this plugin some kind of variable which is fit for the mount point?

    As I guess it is using rsync under the hood, I wanted to put additional option :

    --backup --backup-dir=$PATH_FOR_DELETED

    and I wish if it's possible to use some kind of variable to put path for the deleted files (not present on the receiver side)

  • Yes, I know and I wanted to put them there. But for set a backup dir I need to know path (mount point), and as plugin js mounting the disk by itsefl I didnt know it in the settings menu. Thats why wonder if there exist some kind of variable which can be used and will be replaced as a mount point ?

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