I have slowly built a PiNAS over the past month, and now that it is almost finished, I am running into a weird problem with Windows SMB sharing and the miniDLNA plugin. Here is the timeline of events:
1. I built a 'prototype' piNAS with 1x 500gb external HDD (sda) via usb - this was so I could learn the basics of OMV, test on all my devices etc before proceeding.
2. This all went smoothly - After creating a file system consisting of only sdba, and creating a share folder called "Movies", I mapped a network drive on my PC which worked fine and my Xbox picked up the DLNA server totally fine as well.
3. I ordered a HDD docking station online so that I could use 2x 3.5" HDD via usb as well. In the mean time I loaded some movies onto sdba via the "Movies" folder, everything working fine at this stage.
4. Now I have plugged in the 2x 3.5" HDD's (sdb, sdc), and after a bit of work managed to wipe, mount and create new file systems.
5. I used mergerfs to create a pool of the 3 file systems (sda, sdb, sdc) so the I could just share one folder and the NAS would sort out the storage distribution. I created a share folder named "Media" to share this pool.
This is where the problem has started.
Despite deleting the "Movies" share folder, and only sharing the "Media" share folder, my windows PC can still only map to the Movies folder, even though it shouldn't exist.
When I copy files onto "Movies" (that keep in mind, shouldn't exist) the capacity is only going down on sda, and is not being shared into the pool.
When I turn SMB and miniDLNA sharing off entirely, my windows PC and Xbox still map to "Movies", even though the services should be disabled.
When I balance the pool using mergerfs, the files no longer show up on the "movies" share (which makes sense?)
Even when I add new share folders that are not referencing the mergerfs pool, but only sdb or sdc, they also are not able to be mapped to, only "Movies"
When I do make new share folders, the show up in /srv/mergersf/Media directory, but dont seem to be able to actually be shared.
After deleting every share folder and turning off all services, both the PC and Xbox still map to "Movies"
Rebooting does not fix this issue
It seems that OMV is stuck sharing the original "Movies" share folder, and won't 'reset' the share folder settings. It wont even turn off the SMB and miniDLNA sharing.
Short of re-installing the OMV OS and starting again, I have no idea where to even start to fix this issue. It just seems to be stuck with legacy settings.