Is there a simple mans explanation for this.
The more I read, the less it makes any sense.
I have OMV6 with a number of Shared Folders.
Under the USERS section of OMV6 :
I have Users for 4 family members ( parent1, parent2, child1, child2 - let's call them P1, P2, C1, C2 )
I have 2 Groups - GroupParents ( GP ) ( with P1 and P2 ) and GroupKids ( GK ) ( with C1 and C2 )
The Storage > Shared Folders > ACL page has the settings for Admin / Users / Other.
If I understand correctly, these are 'general overall default' settings. So if the Folder ACL is set to 'Users = Read/Write/Execute' ( R/W/X ) then all users ( P1, P2, C1, C2 ) will have R/W/X for this Folder, UNLESS the Privileges for the User is set otherwise.
Through experimentation, it appears that any changes I make to the "R/W - W - No Access" settings in OMV6 > Users > Users > C1 ( or any specific user ) are also shown in OMV6 > Shared Folders > Privileges for the Folder.
So my understanding (?) is that :
if I'm adding a new User, and want to set Privileges for each folder, it would be easiest to do this using the OMV6 > Users > Users > 'new user name'.
if adding a new Folder, then use OMV6 > Storage > Shared Folders > Privileges to set access for all the known users for the new folder.
I still don't understand the point of having all the "R/W - W - No Access" settings in the ACL of each Shared Folder ? Isn't this going to contradict / clash / override the settings already created in the Privileges ?
Then with Groups, if a Group is set to 'no access' to a Folder, but one of the Group members ( as a User ) is set to "Read/Write' for the same folder, which setting takes preference ?
Likewise if a Group is set to 'Read/Write' but a group member is ( as a user ) set to 'No Access' then does that user get access to that folder ?