I have the following when I try to list the snapshots in the web UI :
omv-engined[133206]: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot access offset of type string on string in /usr/share/openmediavault/engined/rpc/etcd.inc:63
This is the offending part (/usr/share/openmediavault/engined/rpc/etcd.inc) :
foreach($output as $outputk => $outputv) {
$outputv['createdAtTs'] = strpdate($outputv['createdTs'],
$result[] = $outputv;
The executed shell command is : k3s etcd-snapshot ls --etcd-snapshot-dir /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-5c645337-b50b-4cc4-a7e6-8a8c3710d1cb/k8s/etcd-snapshots 2>/dev/null --output json
Which returns a JSON object.
In the current form it returns :
I'm guessing something changed in the output of the k3s list command
I came up with the following :
namespace Engined\Rpc;
$cmd = new \OMV\System\Process("k3s etcd-snapshot ls --etcd-snapshot-dir /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-5c645337-b50b-4cc4-a7e6-8a8c3710d1cb/k8s/etcd-snapshots 2>/dev/null --output json");
$output = json_decode(implode('', $output), TRUE);
$result = [];
foreach($output['items'] as $outputk => $outputv) {
$outputv['createdAtTs'] = strpdate($outputv['status']['creationTime'],
$result[] = $outputv;
$cc = json_encode($result);
echo $cc;
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I have no clue about PHP and stuff so I don't know how to test this. But the timestamp seems correct, hence it shouldn't return any error when trying to fetch the snapshot list :