I have runnig SFTP plugin. Is possible to create links to download certain file from Web Browser? Or access SFTP server directly from web browser?
SFTP Web access
try winSCP https://winscp.net/eng/download.php
try winSCP https://winscp.net/eng/download.php
Thats fine, I already use winscp on pc there is options to share files with link. But donot work for me. What I need exactly sent to someone link so they can download directly file I choose. Is there on OMV another service I can use it for this. Avoid basic FTP. I even thing creating webserver but How? Is there some plugin for webserver?
you can use PSITransfer docker: https://github.com/psi-4ward/psitransfer
Display Morenetworks: my-net: external: true services: psitransfer: image: psitrax/psitransfer:latest container_name: psitransfer networks: my-net: environment: - PSITRANSFER_ADMIN_PASS=$Password - PSITRANSFER_UPLOAD_PASS=$Password - PSITRANSFER_DEFAULT_RETENTION=3600 volumes: - CHANGE_TO_COMPOSE_DATA_PATH/psitransfer:/psitransfer - $Descargas/psitransfer:/data # SKIP_BACKUP # Ojo el id de usuario de este directorio debe ser 1000 obligatoriamente para que funcione ports: - 85:3000 restart: unless-stopped
Or Plik docker: https://github.com/root-gg/plik
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