Best place to configure the ethernet interfaces ring buffer with ethtool?

  • Hi folks

    I'm looking for the best place (and way) to configure my two ethernet ports (bond used) during system boot in OMV.

    Commands to add:

    ethtool -G enp2s0 rx 4096 tx 4096

    ethtool -G enp3s0 rx 4096 tx 4096

    Any suggestions?

    Thanks and best regards


    • Official Post

    I'm curious why you want to change this? 4096 is the default minimum send and receive buffer on my systems. You could set this with sysctl settings instead of ethtool.

    omv 7.4.7-1 sandworm | 64 bit | 6.8 proxmox kernel

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    • Official Post

    Please use Google, there are plenty of examples how to configure such things via sysctl. Short answer, create a file in /etc/sysctl.d/ with the settings you want to persist.

  • I found only two ways to change the ring buffer size: ethtool or nmcli

    No way to do it with sysctl variable.

    May be i'm blind...

    Thanks for for comments, i'll find a

    quick and dirty solution for setup

    the two interfaces to max ring buffer size.

    Best regards


  • My system has only two power states.

    Off by shutdown or on, running.

    Setting the buffers during boot is

    what i'm looking for. I'm not really

    familiar with systemd, so i have to

    read a lot... I hope there is no conflict

    with the salt stack and the configuration database...

    Best regards


  • votdev

    Added the Label resolved

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