I have read a lot of forum posts but none solved my issue. I have a WD Red plus 4TB HDD that I would like to spindown after 60min or so.
To see where my problem is located I ran the following commands and this is there output.
"sudo hdparm -B /dev/sda"
"sudo cat /etc/hdparm.conf"
# This file is auto-generated by openmediavault (https://www.openmediavault.org)
# WARNING: Do not edit this file, your changes will get lost.
/dev/disk/by-id/ata-ST4000LM016-1N2170_W8018302 {
apm = 64
force_spindown_time = 244
write_cache = on
/dev/disk/by-id/ata-ST4000LM016-1N2170_W8018693 {
apm = 64
force_spindown_time = 244
write_cache = on
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"sudo omv-showkey hdparm"
<apm>0 = disable|1-255<apm>
<spindowntime>0 = disabled|1-254</spindowntime>
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I noticed that in the /etc/hdparm.conf file none of the active drives are listed, only old drives that are not connected anymore.
However the new drives are listed in the omv-showkey command, as well as the old drives.
I assume the old drives shouldn't be in the hdparm.conf or in the omv-showkey output and that this is my problem.
Active drive device files, these are the last 2 in the output of the omv-showkey command.
Any idea how I can get this solved?
Thus this mean that before disconnecting a drive (because it is failing or getting replaced) it is necessary to disable all these settings before disconnecting?
I did notice the same thing with the smart monitoring, I first needed to disable this before disconnecting or omv would get mad at me because it could find the drive to monitor. Which is logical of course.
I am thinking to use hd-idle, looks promising. But I think getting these weird differences solved can't hurt.
Thanks in advance for ideas!!