HDD spin down problems

  • Hi,

    I have read a lot of forum posts but none solved my issue. I have a WD Red plus 4TB HDD that I would like to spindown after 60min or so.
    To see where my problem is located I ran the following commands and this is there output.

    "sudo hdparm -B /dev/sda"

     APM_level    = not supported

    "sudo cat /etc/hdparm.conf"

    "sudo omv-showkey hdparm"

    I noticed that in the /etc/hdparm.conf file none of the active drives are listed, only old drives that are not connected anymore.
    However the new drives are listed in the omv-showkey command, as well as the old drives.

    I assume the old drives shouldn't be in the hdparm.conf or in the omv-showkey output and that this is my problem.

    Active drive device files, these are the last 2 in the output of the omv-showkey command.


    Any idea how I can get this solved?

    Thus this mean that before disconnecting a drive (because it is failing or getting replaced) it is necessary to disable all these settings before disconnecting?
    I did notice the same thing with the smart monitoring, I first needed to disable this before disconnecting or omv would get mad at me because it could find the drive to monitor. Which is logical of course.

    I am thinking to use hd-idle, looks promising. But I think getting these weird differences solved can't hurt.

    Thanks in advance for ideas!!

    OMV 7

    Plugins - omvExtras | LVM2 | Compose plugin | SFTP | ...

    System - x86 intel - 2*4TB WD Red plus - 500GB WD Blue SSD

    Docker - Nextcloud | wg-easy | swag | vaultwarden | syncthing | gitea

  • I read somewhere that in OMV7 hdparm was replaced by smartctl to do the actual drive configuration (AAM/APM/spindown).

    Not sure if this is the cause, but for me after upgrading from OMV6 to OMV 7 spindown stopped working. Drives never spin down anymore, still looking for the actual cause and a solution.

  • Hi,

    in my case, after upgrading from omv 6 to 7 clean installation v.7, disk (TOSHIBA HDWA130 3TB) was spin up for 3 mins, than spin down for 1 min and spin up for 3 mins and again...

    It is causing by working Portainer. After stopping Portainer my disk is spin up every full hour for 2 mins.

    If you have any containers in Compose try to stop them for testing disk behavior.

  • For me it's not file access that keeps the disks alive. I've monitored that with fatrace. The problem is that the drives don't seem to get the command to spin down. I'm not 100% sure how this is supposed to work in the current OMV7 version as there was talk about hdparm being replaced by smartctl to do the actual work. However the config file still refers to the settings for hdparm.

    If I manually give them the command "smartctl -s standby,now /dev/sdb" they correctly spin down and stay in the STANDBY state for many hours.

    Does this warrant a bug report on github? Hope a moderator can chime in!

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