OMV5 => OMV6 => OMV7 not able to reach docker/container port

    • Official Post

    Is it normal to have only 2 config files in /etc/netplan ?

    Yes. If you have a single network adapter with a normal config. There should be one file configured item in the Interfaces tab.

    Hope it could hep somebody havig same kind of issue !!!

    Still interested to know waht you have in your /etc/systemd/network/ ......

    These files should not be necessary. I think you have made a change that requires them. When configuring networkd with netplan, devices not configured by netplan should be unmanaged by default.

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  • Yes. If you have a single network adapter with a normal config. There should be one file configured item in the Interfaces tab.

    These files should not be necessary. I think you have made a change that requires them. When configuring networkd with netplan, devices not configured by netplan should be unmanaged by default.

    Ok, don't remember to have made those changes, will try with removed /etc/systemd/network/docker* files when I will have time.

    Thanks for support !

    amd64 NAS server | OMV5 => OMV6 => OMV7, issue on accessing container from IP:Port since OMV6

  • Confirmed !!!!

    I removed the files in /etc/network/interfaces.d, now directory is empty and restarted systemd-networkd, docker and do a netplan apply

    And I can access my container at IP:port, I confirm docker ethernet interfaces (docker0, br-* and veth* showed as unmanaged by netplan status as mention by ryecoaaron above).

    Thanks a lot to all contributors !

    (His there a procedure to state this thread as closed/solved ?)

    amd64 NAS server | OMV5 => OMV6 => OMV7, issue on accessing container from IP:Port since OMV6

  • chente

    Added the Label resolved

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