Have updgraded to OMV7 and the only minor (but irritating) snag I'm experiencing is that I used to be able to access the NAS via servername but I now i'm forced to use the ip address (either to access via Mac's connect to server or to access the wbe GUI). The only is exception is my Windows machine where the servername is recognised. My other devices a Mac (Sonoma 14.7) and Google Pixel 7 phone can only access via ip address. It was definitely the case that I could access by the servername on all devices, though I do remember I had a similar issue when I first configured OMV (my first version was OMV 6). I can't remember if I resolved it by altering a setting or if it just fixed itself! Appreciate this is no biggy but I am curious as to what the issue is. See config in signature.
- Have tried adding '.local'. Doesn't make a difference.
- The server is assigned to a static ip on my router
Thanks in anticipation of any support. Cheers!