WD disk is not spinning down

  • Hi, in my installation I have 2 HDD disk from WD, as below:

    - WDC_WD120EDAZ

    - WDC_WD180EDGZ

    Both were bought in USB cases, worked this way for some time (~2yrs) and now have been shucked to put them into case and work via normal SATA which should be better, more robust , etc.

    Everything is fine except that the smaller one disk (WDC_@D120EDAZ) is not always spinning down automatically.

    For instance, yesterday and today spin up all the time, unless I requested it for spin down manually - then it's spinning down and what is important, is not spinning up again, which means there is no process which is using it.

    I tested both:

    smartctl -s standby,now /dev/sdb


    hdparm -y /dev/sdb

    Both works fine, so manuall spin down works properly

    Both disk have same values of APM:

    And idea what can be wrong with this configuration and why one of those disk are not spinning down correctly?

  • Additionaly I paste output from:

    blktrace -d /dev/sdb -o - | blkparse -i - > /tmp/blktrace_output &

    Below what I get:

    Could somebody smarter than me give a clue what going on and why disk is spinning up so many times per day?

    When it was plugged via USB, there was no problem with standby mode and during 3-4yrs, disk had only 8k load cycle count.

    But after switch to SATA, in one month it increased about 1k!

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