Hey Everybody,
I am having issues getting OMV-Extras installed so I can get the minidlna plugin setup. Now I followed this guide here and it seemed to have installed it is when I get to step:
- Go to the plugin tab in OMV's web interface.
- Upload the file.
I goto the plugin TAB in OMV Interface and I see no such file to upload? is it just supposed to be there as there appearss to be only 22 plugins avaialble. I check for updates but there is still only 22 and that was the default number when I 1st updated OMV..
I would appreciate some insight to what is wrong here. I am on OMV7 and that is all setup for my NAS I just trying to get minidlna to hook into my Reciever.. if you need more info that I may have omitted please let me know and I will update the post..
Thank you