what realy new?

  • I use omv 5 for years but i can't realy read somewhere what is really new in 6 or 7 version.
    so with rasbery pi or orange,
    omv will use the wifi and bluethoot one day?
    is the standby mode for rpi fixed?
    inf not i can,'t really understand why cjangin to 7 and restard from ZERO with a lot of really difficult docker compose setting if non of the 3 probl listed before are fixed?
    is jellyfin, a torrent client, alexa, and some usefull stufff IN? OMV7 or must we again and again use docker to install it ?
    i realy can't understand where is the new really stuff from MOV5 TO OMV7
    all thinks i see in the website or... seem to be exactly the same.

    Rasbery pi 4 (4go), OMV 5.5.5-1(usul), rasbian mini on 32Go SD 100MO/sec, kernel 5.4.51-V7I+, data on intenso 5TO usb3 32MOcache

  • OMV is not Fortnite with new seasons every year lol.

    You should use the latest version of omv as it is supported, more secure, stable and has loads of excellent plugins.

    Plugins (like compose) allow you to install anything you like and that is the point of omv. Keep it simple and extend if you want/need.

  • OMV is not Fortnite with new seasons every year lol.

    You should use the latest version of omv as it is supported, more secure, stable and has loads of excellent plugins.

    Plugins (like compose) allow you to install anything you like and that is the point of omv. Keep it simple and extend if you want/need.

    cool i HATE the udate every days lol, word is here to write txt, and updating it every days don't make us write better txt.
    But in OMV there is 300000 stuff missing so if every day one srtuff missing is comming i'll update it once a month to have 31 new stuff to use every month ;)

    Rasbery pi 4 (4go), OMV 5.5.5-1(usul), rasbian mini on 32Go SD 100MO/sec, kernel 5.4.51-V7I+, data on intenso 5TO usb3 32MOcache

    Edited once, last by studio-jurdan ().

    • Official Post

    But in OMV there is 300000 stuff missing

    Seems like it is time for you to move on to something else than OMV.

    Let us know, if/when you find something that suits you better.

    • Official Post

    cool i HATE the udate every days lol, word is here to write txt, and updating it every days don't make us write better txt.

    OMV is Debian and has at least 600 packages installed on an OMV install. Updates for security issues and bug fixes are released when they are ready rather than waiting for a once a month update like WIndows. That means your system isn't vulnerable or plagued by bugs for up to a month. Word updates may not help you write better text but fixing security issues is very important especially in a Microsoft product.

    But I agree with macom that you would better off with some other product. I recommend a commercial product that support the device for a few years and then stop updating it. Then you won't have to worry about any updates.

    omv 7.6.0-1 sandworm | 64 bit | 6.11 proxmox kernel

    plugins :: omvextrasorg 7.0.1 | kvm 7.0.16 | compose 7.3.3 | cputemp 7.0.2 | mergerfs 7.0.5 | scripts 7.0.9

    omv-extras.org plugins source code and issue tracker - github - changelogs

    Please try ctrl-shift-R and read this before posting a question.

    Please put your OMV system details in your signature.
    Please don't PM for support... Too many PMs!

  • Seems like it is time for you to move on to something else than OMV.

    Let us know, if/when you find something that suits you better.

    Not really, it's completely counterproductive to remove the 10 things that took me a considerable amount of time to find, install, study... when I'm missing 100 of them to start again somewhere else. It's completely ridiculous. I just need to take another 10 or 20 years of my life to find the 90 that I'm still missing. That's good, I have patience and with a little luck, I'll get there before I die. And, don't believe in clairvoyants, extra lucids and other fortune tellers who boast of knowing better than me what I need but who nevertheless cannot give me their names!

    Rasbery pi 4 (4go), OMV 5.5.5-1(usul), rasbian mini on 32Go SD 100MO/sec, kernel 5.4.51-V7I+, data on intenso 5TO usb3 32MOcache

    • Official Post

    Not really, it's completely counterproductive to remove the 10 things that took me a considerable amount of time to find, install, study... when I'm missing 100 of them to start again somewhere else. It's completely ridiculous. I just need to take another 10 or 20 years of my life to find the 90 that I'm still missing. That's good, I have patience and with a little luck, I'll get there before I die. And, don't believe in clairvoyants, extra lucids and other fortune tellers who boast of knowing better than me what I need but who nevertheless cannot give me their names!

    Do you always speak in riddles? You keep mentioning missing things but don't enumerate any of them.

    You don't have to be a clairvoyant to recommend a different product to someone who is complaining about the current one they use.

    omv 7.6.0-1 sandworm | 64 bit | 6.11 proxmox kernel

    plugins :: omvextrasorg 7.0.1 | kvm 7.0.16 | compose 7.3.3 | cputemp 7.0.2 | mergerfs 7.0.5 | scripts 7.0.9

    omv-extras.org plugins source code and issue tracker - github - changelogs

    Please try ctrl-shift-R and read this before posting a question.

    Please put your OMV system details in your signature.
    Please don't PM for support... Too many PMs!

  • The big probl is i'm french an my english is really terrible.
    i've got problerm every time i try to ask something so when i need one thinks, i read 500, 100 articles, i see 500 youtube video and sometime finally i can install whar i was searching.
    The thinks i search are also searched from a lot of people and it is cool becaus with the probblem is not only mine so other people find how to resolve them. If i was searching for something that no one was searchoing, in never find a solution.
    It is very strange (for me and some people that search and find ...) that stuff like, jellyfin, music server, music jukebox mode, doc database search and indexing, home assistant, torrent client, jdowloader, alexa and a lot of other stuff that a server must have are possible only (when it is possible) with docker. these stuff in omvextra will be realy in better place to be (when possible). If the posibility to run with a desktop in the same server was removed in omv 6, a think like any kody local client will be any good think to add not realy to use H24, but to help when you search and arrange folder structure and.... some local client is not bad to add. And a lot off "server" are missing in omvextra. So we must add these with docker that seem to be ... it looks more like DIY than functionality, I'm also afraid that it's really not good for the compatibility, security, and stability of OMV than adding a bunch of bricks with docker instead by omvextra. I would love to be wrong in thinking that but I am far from being the only one to pay the price. It's very sad because omv is really interesting but it's still missing quite a few things. With each update (and it's very good that there are few) I hope that one of these features that quite a few people have added by tinkering with it is finally implemented. But I had read the MAJ omv 6 and I have just reread them (6 and 7) since someone very kindly provided me with the links. and no, none of the tools that seem essential to me have been added. And finally, updating is extremely scary when you know the number of attempts you make to be able to add a brick after a year and you wonder if it won't disappear with it. the update. So, as long as I can stay with my version I will stay with it. I will only change when I am forced and forced to do so by preparing my handkerchief to cry if necessary. In the end, omv is great but at the same time makes you terribly sad too. Happy holidays all the same hihihi

    Rasbery pi 4 (4go), OMV 5.5.5-1(usul), rasbian mini on 32Go SD 100MO/sec, kernel 5.4.51-V7I+, data on intenso 5TO usb3 32MOcache

    • Official Post

    It is very strange (for me and some people that search and find ...) that stuff like, jellyfin, music server, music jukebox mode, doc database search and indexing, home assistant, torrent client, jdowloader, alexa and a lot of other stuff that a server must have are possible only (when it is possible) with docker. these stuff in omvextra will be realy in better place to be (when possible).

    You do realize that I am the only omv-extras dev, right? I only have so much time and it is all volunteer time. I spend way more money on OMV things to help other people than I bring in.

    I also don't use any of those items you listed. So, I am not the right person to create plugins for them. Some apps have dependencies that you can't install on OMV without compromising the OS stability and/or security. Docker is the right way to add these. A docker image is typically maintained by the author/developer of the service or at least someone who knows it well. The dependencies in the image are the exact versions the maintainer wants. This leads to the most stable solution. Even commercial NAS offer docker services.

    Many of those services offer their own web interface. This makes the omv-extras plugin just a on/off switch. What is the point of the plugin then? The example compose files are just as easy and more flexible while adding the security and stability of a docker container.

    f the posibility to run with a desktop in the same server was removed in omv 6, a think like any kody local client

    We have mentioned time and time and time again why the desktop environment is a bad idea. If you want to run kodi, buy another rpi. It will make things much more stable.

    but to help when you search and arrange folder structure and.... some local client is not bad to add

    Use WinSCP. You get the same explorer view you would get locally, it moves things on the server side (meaning just as fast), and you don't need the hundreds of extra packages installed on the server requiring many, many more updates that you already hate.

    And a lot off "server" are missing in omvextra. So we must add these with docker that seem to be ... it looks more like DIY than functionality, I'm also afraid that it's really not good for the compatibility, security, and stability of OMV than adding a bunch of bricks with docker instead by omvextra. I would love to be wrong in thinking

    Docker is far from DIY. Large enterprise companies run apps in docker and kubernetes. Your thinking is incorrect that it is not good for compatibility, security and stability. It just the opposite as I mentioned above.

    none of the tools that seem essential to me have been added.

    Essential to you is very different than essential to me and could be very different than others. Maintaining omv-extras needs to be enjoyable to me. Maintaining plugins that I don't use is not enjoyable. I already maintain plenty that I don't use and do not want to expand that count.

    And finally, updating is extremely scary when you know the number of attempts you make to be able to add a brick after a year and you wonder if it won't disappear with it. the update

    Once again, docker fixes this. You can keep running docker images regardless of what happens in OMV. If I stop porting a plugin to the latest OMV version, you don't have that "brick". If you were running it in docker, you would never lose that brick. You could even move away from OMV without losing that "brick".

    So, as long as I can stay with my version I will stay with it. I will only change when I am forced and forced to do so by preparing my handkerchief to cry if necessary. In the end, omv is great but at the same time makes you terribly sad too

    You will keep using an unmaintained, EOL version then. If you are worried about security and stability, this is a bad idea. Just remember there is only one developer of OMV and one developer of omv-extras. We can only do so much. If that doesn't align with your needs, you will have to contribute or use something else or use docker.

    omv 7.6.0-1 sandworm | 64 bit | 6.11 proxmox kernel

    plugins :: omvextrasorg 7.0.1 | kvm 7.0.16 | compose 7.3.3 | cputemp 7.0.2 | mergerfs 7.0.5 | scripts 7.0.9

    omv-extras.org plugins source code and issue tracker - github - changelogs

    Please try ctrl-shift-R and read this before posting a question.

    Please put your OMV system details in your signature.
    Please don't PM for support... Too many PMs!

  • If i can find a lot of youtube vidéo about what i'm searching it is because i'm not alone too. but is is in english too and .... sometime it's ok and other time no.
    i just read somethinks about music server, jellyfin, plex. and a papper ??? but i was explaiend in 2 lines and nothings after that. .. but i supose it is always stacks on docker and not as "pluggins".
    and when i talk about a kodi client i thinks it like whe we add MC commander in console. is just any help 1H/years and not a H24 usage.
    Another RPI, i have 5 rasbery pi and 2 orange pi so ....a VLC clioent by ex is good too for me. and if i can install what i need i'll use a orange pi extra, max or plus with 16 or 32G ram...
    And about security blablabla 99% of all of that are just in LOCAL. no internet access.

    mmm ok if you are only 2 people sic oops.... ok, just forget ALL my today message, And if i was abble to translate to French or somethinks llike this to help but my english is really to terrible too. But for re reading after a auto translate, i able to do it. Just ask and i'll give to you 100H of my time in 2025 if you want to have a good years. .

    Rasbery pi 4 (4go), OMV 5.5.5-1(usul), rasbian mini on 32Go SD 100MO/sec, kernel 5.4.51-V7I+, data on intenso 5TO usb3 32MOcache

    Edited 2 times, last by studio-jurdan ().

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