Anonymous NFS and Samba coexsist i same folder.

    • Official Post

    nfs and samba permissions on the same directory is a problem even with enterprise NetApp appliances. There is no good way to fix it. ACLs might but I don't recommend using ACLs.

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  • Code
    thanks for the quick reply.
    But I have to get this working... ;-)
    I can see all the folders so there is a way..., it won't be much file management but rather deleting old files and
    watching old recordings. So no great chance of accidentally accessing the files at the same time.
    Someone out there must have gotten this to work even if you "shouldn't" do that. So please anyone have an idea?
    my backuppplan are a script that changes rights on files that are older than 30 minutes, is that a solution? and how do i do that then?
  • whant_to_know Your title isn't clear. Do you mean "anonymous" access in both NFS & SAMBA, or NFS only? If you're talking about so-called "guest access" in Windows without a password, then this equates to access via nobody:nogroup ( uid/gid 65534). So unless you set permission for "other" on the NAS data path, a windows "guest" user can do nothing. But you have another problem as you cannot delete any file in a Linux dir unless you have write perms to the dir. Over to you.

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