• Hello, I have an approximately one year old installation of OMV7.

    I installed a minimal installation of Debian and then through the command line.

    The entire installation is fine except for one symptom that has been there since the beginning.

    Whenever some code is written in the web-gui, it ends with "** CONNECTION LOST **".

    See example.

    Don't know what to do with it, thanks...

  • Based on your output, everything seems normal.

    Refer to point 12 in Solutions to common problems

    Problem #12: Connection lost error message when installing a plugin
    Solution #12: OMV's engined is restarted when installing a plugin. This does not stop the installation and should be followed by ctrl-shift-R (hard refresh of the page).

    OMV 7.x | 6.8 Proxmox Kernel

    GIGABYTE Z370M DS3H Motherboard

    Intel G4560 CPU | 16G×1 Non-ECC RAM

    128G SSD + 1T SSD + 4T×2 HDD

    500W PSU

  • chente

    Added the Label resolved

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