I'd like to get information from my OMV7 NAS on an IObroker setup.
The data I'm thinking of if CPU temp, Disk temp, Memory and info on the file system (mainly info which you get on the OMV dashboard)
I thought getting the data through MQTT would be nice and easy as I already have a broker running in the network and get info from other clients in the network as well.
Unfortunately I couldn't find anything on MQTT in OMV. Well I did find something on Github, but it is intended for Homeassistant which I am not using. And I don't have a docker setup with containers..
I there any plugin available for OMV(7) that can publish OMV7 data to the network?
PS Another protocol could be ModbusTCP but also on that no info.
Or is there another simple way to broadcast this OMV data to the network?