HPE Proliant Servers

  • This seems like more work than it is worth. Why not use mdadm raid for the boot volume? You can use the standard Debian installer to do that and then install OMV on top of that. Very simple. Plus, if the motherboard fails, you could move your setup to another computer. If you use the b120i for raid, you would have to have another b120i based motherboard to recover.

    Personally, I don't think the boot volume needs raid as long as you back it up once in a while (backup plugin and cron job).

    OK, then I'll try using the B120i in AHCI mode, separating the two SSDs. And then maybe use the secondary SSD to rsync to every night or something. But then I could perhaps also have OMV do software raid-1 on those two , or am I missing something? Maybe that's just a waste of SSD writes, which I also consider to be a thing now. (SSDs do fail, I've already seen a couple of Intel SLC ones that were allegedly deemed indestructible for 50 years, not so alas..) And of course electricity. I could just have the extra SSD spin down until it's used for the delta-backups every night..

    Motherboard failures are so rare to me with HP machines, I must say I can't even remember it seeing once under my hands. I did have some Apple, Intel, Gigabyte, Asus, MSI and AsRock boards fail on me in my 30+ years computer career, but never Compaq or HP. But that's just my experience. It's the reason I went for this Gen8. Where I work we have many HP servers deployed in office as well as in data-centers, they're solid as a rock.

    • Official Post

    If you want to do raid 1 on the SSDs, you should do it at install time. I have seen SSDs fail but I can setup my OMV setup very quickly. So, not a big deal to me.

    I've seen lots of the cheap HP desktops fail. Even my HP N40L motherboard failed. But, I have seen motherboards from every manufacturer fail. We have hundreds of HP servers at work as well. The Gen8s are much more reliable then Gen9s I would say.

    omv 7.5.0-1 sandworm | 64 bit | 6.11 proxmox kernel

    plugins :: omvextrasorg 7.0 | kvm 7.0.15 | compose 7.3.2 | cputemp 7.0.2 | mergerfs 7.0.5 | scripts 7.0.9

    omv-extras.org plugins source code and issue tracker - github - changelogs

    Please try ctrl-shift-R and read this before posting a question.

    Please put your OMV system details in your signature.
    Please don't PM for support... Too many PMs!

  • If you install openmediavault-backup (from omv-extras), you can use the command: omv-mkconf backup in a scheduled job (within OMV's web interface) to backup the system drive (rsync files to data drive and makes a copy of mbr and partition table).

    I See that the backup is incremental, witch is great. But how can I burn it to a disk?

    • Official Post

    By burn to a disk, do you mean burn to a DVD or restore to a hard drive?

    omv 7.5.0-1 sandworm | 64 bit | 6.11 proxmox kernel

    plugins :: omvextrasorg 7.0 | kvm 7.0.15 | compose 7.3.2 | cputemp 7.0.2 | mergerfs 7.0.5 | scripts 7.0.9

    omv-extras.org plugins source code and issue tracker - github - changelogs

    Please try ctrl-shift-R and read this before posting a question.

    Please put your OMV system details in your signature.
    Please don't PM for support... Too many PMs!

    • Official Post

    You didn't pick one of my options. I still don't know what you mean by "disk". Here is a the post explaining how the plugin works and how to restore. It isn't easy.

    omv 7.5.0-1 sandworm | 64 bit | 6.11 proxmox kernel

    plugins :: omvextrasorg 7.0 | kvm 7.0.15 | compose 7.3.2 | cputemp 7.0.2 | mergerfs 7.0.5 | scripts 7.0.9

    omv-extras.org plugins source code and issue tracker - github - changelogs

    Please try ctrl-shift-R and read this before posting a question.

    Please put your OMV system details in your signature.
    Please don't PM for support... Too many PMs!

  • Hi Guys,

    I have 4x a HP Microserver gen8

    3x with Openmediavault for various purposes (kid, wife etc.. )
    1x with VMware

    When I use HPE Explorer to backup my VMware (also HP microserver gen through NFS to a another HP Microserver gen8 I get speeds of around 60MB/s .. I am happy with that.

    Now I am trying to copy various movie files (around 150GB) from an Openmediavault install to another one also through NFS (copy action with MC (Midnight Commander) .. but now the write speeds is 'only' max 33MB/s ..

    Any idea how to speed up or modify NFS ?

    Extra options in Openmediavault: no_subtree_check,secure,all_squash,async

    fstab mount: /mnt/tmp nfs auto,vers=3,rw,noatime,async,nolock,bg,in
    tr,tcp,actimeo=0,_netdev 0 0

    update .. vmware to this new install: Transfer Rate: 74.41 MB/s

    great ..

    5x HP Microserver Gen8, 4x with OMV. (3x OMV4 and 1x OMV5)

    (Busy with migrating to 1 NAS) Puffer: 4x3TB RAID5; Nemo:4x3TB RAID5; Shark: 4x2TB RAID5 and Whale: 4x10TB UNIONFS with SNAPRAID

    Edited once, last by aroundmyroom ().

  • Mc is very Slow when dealing with hdd commands. Most likely if you do it from
    Console you will have better results.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  • did not expect MC to be that slow ..

    indeed rsync does a far better job

    1132771861 100% 54.51MB/s 0:00:19 (xfer#17, to-check=50/83)
    1047469265 100% 58.35MB/s 0:00:17 (xfer#18, to-check=49/83)

    it's ok .. (NFS share). Everything >50MB/s is ok for me. (it's just a simple Celeron version) ;)

    5x HP Microserver Gen8, 4x with OMV. (3x OMV4 and 1x OMV5)

    (Busy with migrating to 1 NAS) Puffer: 4x3TB RAID5; Nemo:4x3TB RAID5; Shark: 4x2TB RAID5 and Whale: 4x10TB UNIONFS with SNAPRAID

  • Hello,

    I have OMV running on a HP Gen8 Micro Server and am seeing an issue regarding the boot disk. I apologise in advance that this is not an OMV issue but I know that there are a number of knowledgable HP experts on this forums so maybe some of you have seen this problem before.

    I have a Gen8 with a SSD boot disk configured as a single RAID 0 array which works great. However, a few times now, when I turn off the machine or restart it, the Gen8 "forgets" the RAID 0 configuration and so will not boot. I have to hit F5 during POST and go into the RAID Controller GUI and re-create the RAID 0 array again (selecting the SSD disk as the only member). Once I have done this, the reboot then is ok and OMV starts as normal

    Any clues?

    The machine was purchases in April 2016 and is this model:

    Part code Description
    SDKIN-KVR16E118H 8GB DDR3-1600MHz Server Premier
    SVHEW-819185421 ProLiant MicroServer Gen8 1610T 4GB NHP

    Many thanks!

  • Hi,

    Why are you using RAID 0 on a single SSD ?

    afaik, because you can set the complete controller only to one fixed mode (raid or single), so if you want (for what reason ever) to use the ugly fake-raid thing, you have to run at least a degraded raid 0 (or 1) for system-drive.


  • I don´t understand why.... can u explain that?

    MSI B-250-DS3H-G4560 | some RAM | someTB WD red (snapraid) | OMV 5.x (latest) | DD Cine S2 V6.5

  • I have a Gen8 with a SSD boot disk configured as a single RAID 0 array which works great. However, a few times now, when I turn off the machine or restart it, the Gen8 "forgets" the RAID 0 configuration and so will not boot. I have to hit F5 during POST and go into the RAID Controller GUI and re-create the RAID 0 array again (selecting the SSD disk as the only member). Once I have done this, the reboot then is ok and OMV starts as normal

    Any clues?

    I guess your question is "Why does it forget the RAID configuration?" and not "Why does it stop on boot, if RAID configuration is invalid?"

    Do you switch off the power supply or do you shut down he regular way?
    Are you sure the SSD is ok?
    Any other messages in ILO?

    If you got help in the forum and want to give something back to the project click here (omv) or here (scroll down) (plugins) and write up your solution for others.

  • You can also ask yourself, why use the RAID thingy as you also can disable it and use the AHCI mode. Single disk works than just fine ..

    Here I have (dunno if direct booting from SATA connector is already supported but .. )

    I boot from internal USB, on this usb sticky is only installed grub (linux) and in this it points to the extra SATA connector where a 2,5" HDD is connected: here is my OS: OMV .. . The 4 HDD's or my data are totally disregarded for that matter.

    no need for RAID0 ..

    5x HP Microserver Gen8, 4x with OMV. (3x OMV4 and 1x OMV5)

    (Busy with migrating to 1 NAS) Puffer: 4x3TB RAID5; Nemo:4x3TB RAID5; Shark: 4x2TB RAID5 and Whale: 4x10TB UNIONFS with SNAPRAID

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