Posts by vim

    I've disabled the fan plugin for now.

    I think I figured out the issue. The site that had the information above had the setup for the fan data collection mostly right. However, there was a mistake in the plugin configuration for the fan. They created a new plugin configuration but specified an incorrect built-in plugin to use. They needed to use the exec plugin but instead tried to load one named execfan. The exec plugin is the one that is used to call scripts.

    The exec configuration that was defined on the site is used to call the cputemp script. It is working correctly. I believe that confirms what I found about the issue with the execfan plugin that was causing issues.

    I'll try out the changes and update, if anyone's interested.

    I'm trying to add a graph for CPU frequency, CPU temp and Fan speed.

    I'm following the information on this page. It looks like it's for OMV3 but in looking at the configuration files in OMV4, it looks useable in OMV4, and hopefully OMV6 when it is released. URL:

    I'm getting an error that collectd isn't started. The page is for an ODROID-XU4 and I have a NanoPC-T4. I check what the code is looking at and it maps to the T4 except for the fan information. I'm in the process of working that out and wanted to create that temporarily and then update when I've figured out how to handle it. So, currently, the Diagnostic/System Information/ Performance statistics page in OMV has the additional tabs for CPU Fan, CPU Frequency and CPU temperature but the graphs don't display.

    Errors from systemctl status collectd.service:

    These are other messages from journalctl -xe:

    I've modified/added these lines in the /usr/local/bin/cpufanspeed file:

    #        FIELD="$(cat /sys/class/thermal/cooling_device2/cur_state)"
    #        SPEED="$(cat /sys/devices/platform/pwm-fan/hwmon/hwmon0/fan_speed | cut --delimiter=' ' -f $(($FIELD + 1)))"
    SPEED="$(1 | cut --delimiter=' ' -f $(($FIELD + 1)))"

    I then redid the omv-mkconf collectd and omv-mkconf rrdcached commands and rebooted but the error(s) persists.

    Any help/pointers to would be appreciated. Thank you.

    In OMV4, the docker "plugin" has a setting for the docker base path. I changed it to my os-data drive before setting up all of my docker stuff. I think all of my images, containers, volumes, etc are all on this drive.

    So, it's not my os/system drive but not what I consider my data drive(s) either, if that makes sense. It's an NVME drive I use for docker and used by all of my docker containers for config and other items.

    Thanks macom. I searched for bintray but for some reason, that one didn't come up. I just tried the search again and sure enough it was the first item returned. One thing it did was jump to a specific post in the thread and skipped the text at the top about OMV4. More likely reason was I was having one of those days and I couldn't read straight...

    I'm in the same boat as the other person. My OMV4 setup is working fine and I have everything in docker.

    If I upgrade to OMV6, I'll have to install the most recent Armbian version (Bullseye), OMV6 and then re-setup each docker. That's going to be a real pain. I've also customized a few other items which I'll have to redo and worse...remember what I did :) I have most of it documented in my Wiki but there's always a few items that either weren't documented or some steps were missed. Maybe I'll try to set it up separately on another SBC I have laying around.

    Zoki, I'd like to upgrade to the most recent. I have my docker containers/images on a data drive. I was hoping to just upgrade docker and keep using those dockers items or run some update process on them, if possible. I know that docker changed in OMV. It's mostly done through Portainer now, which I've also installed. In any case, I think I'll just do the OMV4 upgrade for now and will rethink after OMV6 is final.

    The update now works without errors. Thanks again.

    I just tried an apt update on my OMV4 system and there are these errors:

    Ign:19 stretch InRelease
    Err:20 stretch Release
    502  Bad Gateway
    Err:21 stretch Release
    502  Bad Gateway
    Err:22 stretch Release
    502  Bad Gateway

    This was happening yesterday and still today. When I searched the forum, it looks like this has happened a few times before. Can I change those to non-bintray repositories?

    I've been thinking of upgrading to OMV6 but I've been waiting until it's released. In the meantime, I wanted to update everything before I make a complete backup. I made a backup before starting the updates too.

    Can someone follow-up with bintray? I think that happened in one of the previous times it was having issues.


    Hello. I'm converting my NTFS drive to ext4. I've moved data off and recreated the drive/partition as ext4.

    I believe I've forgotten to remove references to the NTFS drive from NFS and SMB. Also, I wanted to make the label "C2-3TB" and the OMV interface would not allow this.

    In any case, I created the partition through the command line and now when I try to mount the partition in OMV I get:

    Failed to execute command 'export PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin; export LANG=C.UTF-8; mount -v --source '/dev/disk/by-label/C2-3TB' 2>&1' with exit code '12': NTFS signature is missing. Failed to mount '/dev/sdj1': Invalid argument The device '/dev/sdj1' doesn't seem to have a valid NTFS. Maybe the wrong device is used? Or the whole disk instead of a partition (e.g. /dev/sda, not /dev/sda1)? Or the other way around?

    When I try to remove the references in NTFS and SMB and save the changes I keep getting the error. Is there anything that can be done without changing it back to NTFS?

    along with going through the RPi thread, when testing, turn on debug logging in Kodi and then repeat what you do to cause the freezing in Kodi.

    Following that, have a look at the kodi.log or perhaps the kodi.old.log to see if there is anything that might give you more information.

    It can be found in the temp directory under the .kodi directory in Linux of the user home directory when Kodi is started. Not sure where in Windows.

    Based on what you see or don't see you can determine what the next steps are.

    I found a workaround. I was in the process of figuring out/setting up testing the NFS connection between the client and server when I had to modify how the drive was mounted. The clients are RPi's using LibreElec. I was mounting the drives using NFS and Samba within Kodi. I mounted the drives before Kodi started and the issue no longer occurs. I specified NFS version 3 option and nothing else.

    I've posted a bug in LibreElec.


    The device running Kodi plays the video properly when it is on the old file server. Kodi does not play the video properly when it is being served by the new T4 file server. So, I've ruled out Kodi, for now, as the issue. I also turned on Debug Logging in Kodi. The log shows that Kodi is still responding to key presses but is hanging on the video file not responding.

    Hello. I wasn't sure which sub-forum to place this in so I thought I'd start in the General configuration sub-forum.

    I'm replacing a Banana pi that has an older version of Linux and OMV 2.x with a NanoPC T4. I'm using Kodi to view video files stored on the server. When serving video files mounted as either NFS or Samba shares, the video stops playing about a minute or two after it starts or when skipping around the file. I've placed the file on an M.2 SSD, a spinning hard disk attached either to USB 3 or USB 2 ports on the T4 and the same thing happens. When I place the file on the Banana Pi, it plays successfully and I can skip without any issues.

    I am suspecting a network or software configuration issue on the T4 but have not been able to determine the issue and am running out of places to look. The debug log for Kodi just says things like stream stalled or io errors of some kind.

    I'm using Armbian and I've tried with the stable 4.4.x version and the nightly/dev 4.20.x version of Stretch.

    Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

    Not sure if it's possible, but it would be useful if you can copy an existing or the default theme to create a new theme. After that, to be able to download it and to make changes to that theme and re-upload it would be great.

    In the meantime, I'd like to create my own theme and then send it to you for inclusion in the plugin. How can I create my own theme? Is there some information somewhere that would help with this?


    What's your setup?

    Is this a typical ISP provider type of setup? If so, then I would make your WAN side be IPv6 and have your LAN side be IPv4 with your typical non-routable IPs all set up on your router.

    This way, you would have your typical IPv4 environment for you PCs including your Raspberry Pi.

    So, describe a little more of your setup...

    I think you need the openssl package installed.

    When you installed shellinabox, I believe it should have created a self-signed certificate to enable HTTPS.

    Perhaps you didn't have openssl installed when you installed shellinabox.

    Maybe if you remove and re-install shellinabox after you make sure openssl is installed that will solve your issue.

    Can't say for sure, but that's what I would try.

    Edit: FYI, the certificate that was created was placed in /var/lib/shellinabox and was named certificate.pem

    I've figured out how to do what I was looking for.

    FYI, I think something like this may be needed for the mysql plugin. I seem to remember installing it a long time ago with no issues and then when I went to install it later there were some problems with the configuration/setup I had.

    In case anyone else is looking to do this or something similar, here's what I did.

    I found the 1.1 version of the openmediavault-shellinabox plugin and installed that locally/manually using dpkg:

    dpkg -i openmediavault-shellinabox_1.1_all.deb

    Results from "apt-cache policy openmediavault-shellinabox":2.14

      Installed: 1.1
      Candidate: 1.2
      Version table:
         1.2 0
            996 stoneburner-testing/main armhf Packages
     *** 1.1 0
            100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

    Following that, the installed version of shellinabox which is the latest available for me, worked fine:

      Installed: 2.14-1
      Candidate: 2.14-1
      Version table:
     *** 2.14-1 0
            500 wheezy/main armhf Packages
            100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
         2.14-1 0
            500 wheezy/main armhf Packages

    Is it possible to revert to an older version of a plugin?

    I am running OMV 2.x on a Banana Pi. All is working well. I believe I had shellinabox working previously. I recently did an apt-get update and apt-get upgrade and I believe it upgraded my openmediavault-shellinabox plugin. I'm not sure if that's what caused shellinabox to "fail" or it was something else.

    In any case, I currently have version 1.2 of openmediavault-shellinabox installed and I have version 2.14 of shellinabox installed. This version of shellinabox must have been installed through the OMV Gui when I installed the plugin. I did not install it myself.

    When I try to remove/install the plugin through the gui, the error message indicates that verion 2.18 or higher of shellinabox is required. The latest version of shellinabox available to my configuration is 2.14, the version that is already installed.

    In looking at the changelog for version 1.2 of openmediavault-shellinabox, it says:

    openmediavault-shellinabox (1.2) testing; urgency=low
      * Update depencies for shellinabox 2.18
     -- OpenMediaVault Plugin Developers <>  Fri, 30 Oct 2015 11:25:08 -0500

    So, I believe a straightforward way to get back my shellinabox setup is to go back to version 1.1 of the openmediavault-shellinabox plugin. I tried "apt-cache policy openmediavault-shellinabox" and only version 1.2 is displayed.

    Does it make sense to go back to version 1.1 and if so, how do I go about reverting to version 1.1 of the plugin?

    Thanks in advance

    In looking around for others that may have asked this I found other versions of the UPS/NUT plugin code.

    I'm current using OMV 2.1.18 and the plugin is openmediavault-nut 2.0

    I believe I may have been looking at code for an older version of the plugin. It looks like it had options for specifying whether or not to enable email, a list of recipients and a subject, among other things.

    I looked at my installation and found some of the same code but some of the other code was missing.

    Is there another version of the plugin around that does what I'm looking for? Is what I found for an older version of OMV or maybe the next version?


    I've tried searching for information about this but didn't find anything.

    I have the UPS plugin successfully working on 2.1.18 with an APC UPS. I have it set to shutdown when it reaches low battery. There are few options in the plugin.

    I'd like to get notifications of UPS events that occur such as ONLINE, ONBATT, LOWBATT, COMMOK, COMMBAD, SHUTDOWN, REPLBATT and NOCOMM. Ideally, I'd like to specify which of the events to be notified about. Email would be the best way.

    Also, the OMV System Notification doesn't list UPS as an option for notifications.

    I've used APCUPSD on Windows and I could probably set it up on Linux to do notification but I'm not sure how it would interact with the OMV UPS Plugin. Could it be used at the same time without problems?

    If coding is required to make changes to add notification, I'm not sure if I could make those changes as my understanding of OMV and the plugins and my coding skills are up to the task. Wouldn't know where to start.

    What would need to be done to add (email) notifications to the UPS Plugin?

    Thanks in advance

    Not sure if this is a feature request but I believe it may be. I'd like to be able to define virtual disk images and mount the filesystems they contain.

    Here's some background...I'd like to serve the root filesystem for several Raspberry PIs through NFS on my OMV server.

    Currently, I have copied the root filesystem for one of the available Debian/Raspbian images to a directory on a hard drive. I've shared that directory and have mounted it through NFS. I've created only one of these directories, so far.

    What I'd like to do is to create an image file of the root system and mount it as a loop device. In doing that, I can minimize the number of files by a very large amount. So instead of a directory with thousands of files and hundreds of directories, you would only have one file in its place. This makes managing several images easier and allows copying and testing changes to them easier and faster.

    I'd like to do this through the Web GUI. Maybe change "Physical Disks" to "Disks" and have the ability to define a "virtual" disk. A column could say if the entry is physical or virtual and show the file name if it's virtual. Or, a separate entry below "Physical Disks" could be created for "Virtual Disks". These would be stored in some configuration/XML file.

    When I mount the image, I use something like "mount -o loop,offset=$((10 * 512)) disk.img /media/mnt_point

    The offset is calculated by using fdisk to determine start block/sector and multiplying by sector size. This could be automated for disk images with one partition or mount all found partitions or have some user interface to pick and choose the partitions to mount.

    I'm trying to determine how I could do this now with OMV. I'm thinking updating config.xml manually to add the entries to fstab for the disk image files.

    Any comments or suggestions? How would I go about submitting the feature request?
