Posts by Genna

    with OMV6, all updates applied, SAMBA updates installed, settings in extra options like this:

    ntlm auth = yes
    min protocol = NT1
    client min protocol = NT1

    except my pc (win10-64b-pro), my players don't see my server.

    with new fresh install of OMV5, all updates applied, SAMBA updates installed, settings in extra options like this (same as omv6):

    ntlm auth = yes
    min protocol = NT1
    client min protocol = NT1

    my pc (win10-64b-pro) and my players see my server.

    i already wrote this on similar topics yesterday, but i wanted to be sure, with new fresh install omv6, doesn't work. and omv 5.6, works.

    do i have to create a topic ?

    You can always use the apttool plugin to "hold" the packages you don't want to update and then you will be able to install all updates from the Updates tab.

    thank you for the solution. actually, i 'm trying to have a omv 6 fully fonctionnal as required. but i have some troubles. because of samba. (not straightly because of OMV, but because of my heterogenous players).

    i take a look on openmediavault-apttool. is it yours ?

    edit: i installed apt tools, i remove just samba. omv6 crashes. ssh ok, not webui. i don't really know how it works :)


    i had all my systems under OMV6 (after using OMV5), but too many troubles, and now, because of last samba updates, without abilities to go back, i'm going to reinstall OMV5.6.

    maybe, all updates in one time, with omv6 is better than "one by one selected" process, but because of that, i didnt' want to update my last omv6 which runs correct, without last samba update.

    if i knew better than i know actually debian, i tried to reverse or go back to previous 6.0.30 shaitan without the 40 updates of last sunday.

    so... OMV5, but OMV :)

    hi, yesterday, on 2 Zappiti players (which are good with smb v3) and Popcorn hour players (smb v1 only) , smb v1 set as usual, with same params as yours (ntlm auth = yes and client min protocol = nt1, server min protocol = nt1, with or whitout 'spaces', with or without 'server') there is no share displayed/seen.

    i tried a lot of sets, and restart every time i changed something, to be sure.

    nfs protocol doesn't work properly on zappiti reference.


    not sure it is "servet'

    with these parameters,

    ntlm auth = yes
    min protocol = NT1
    client min protocol = NT1

    it worked yesterday and before, on OMV6 6.0.30-1 (Shaitan). I decide to keep this version, without update this OMV system, because of that:

    But today, on 3 another systems, which have been updated today with about 40 updates (with a lot of samba xxxx items), shares are not seen on 2 kind of players.

    the different available updates :

    samba-common 2:4.13.13+dfsg-1~deb11u4
    samba-common-bin 2:4.13.13+dfsg-1~deb11u4
    samba-libs 2:4.13.13+dfsg-1~deb11u4
    samba-vfs-modules 2:4.13.13+dfsg-1~deb11u4

    i don't know how to go back with previous versions of that, except reinstall OMV5 (very less issues, compare to omv6).

    edit: i decide to go back to 5.6, and with all sets as usual, all my shares are now seens on different systems.

    Run omv-upgrade from CLI

    already done, and it is the way i choose to upgrade to OMV6.

    but now, after a clean OMV6, except these 2 previous items, i fixed it with this:

    apt-get update
    apt-get dist-upgrade

    and now,

    Reading package lists... Done
    Reading package lists... Done
    Building dependency tree... Done
    Reading state information... Done
    Calculating upgrade... Done
    0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

    so, fixed. Thanks all guys

    the 2 lines=2 items to update, in update managment section were there during a couple of days even if i click on update and update... always present... like previous screen in previous messages in this thread.

    ps: i'm running an omv5->6 upgrade, with anything else than omv, without plugins.

    in previous upgrade, i had to change some lines in sources.list

    genna:> nano /etc/apt/sources.list
    ## à changer 
    #deb bullseye/updates main contrib non-free 
    #deb-src bullseye/updates main contrib non-free 
    ## par ces 2 lignes :
    deb bullseye-security main deb-src bullseye-security main

    but this evening, no issue, no warning message, because certainly without any plugin or stuff


    i had these updates listed on a few new OMV6... a lot of cleans with omvextras commands or "apt-get clean && apt-get autoclean" but these two lines came again and again.

    I wonder if i fixed this "with CTRL-R, cleaning cache, or CTRL-SHIFT-R" on new omv6, or if i reinstall all omv 6 from .iso from scratch on new clean ssd. I did it a lot these 2 months.

    @ryecoaaron, you help a lot here, all we know that.


    i went back to omv5 on one of my servers, just to be sure. updates managment section proposes to select one or more items to install.

    in omv 6, in this section, it is for changelog, with similar informations and buttons (selected, total, update).

    in omv6, full hd resolution, 80% zoom, login popup in english is very concentrated, admin/pwd/cancel/ok.

    but in different sections, in webui, to accept modifications, cancel/ok, confirm button, "are you sure? button", they are all far to the others in layout. That is the point i wrote in 1st message, that's all.

    if i haven't upgraded all my servers omv 5 to 6, last months with a lot of small issues, i was forced to reinstall omv6 from scratch, and a lot of updates and a lot of mini experiences of this new webui.

    you can understand what i mean or not, because of my wrong written english.

    yesterday started new omv5 system, older webui than omv6 webui, but more explicite.

    all omv engine is good for me, stable, rich, fast.

    ok. i understand that selecting (or not) updates is not working to update what i/we want. OMV updates all. Just for changelog. to do what ? for who ? go to diagnostics to see that. changelog has to be to the "log" session.

    It is different than previous versions. This is not limpid on the interface. i ll go to ssh to do all the updates in one click, with "apt-get update && apt-get -y upgrade". but in the web gui, you can see "0 selected/0 total" if 0, and 1/4, for instance, and then click the update button. So... nice ? no. confusing message/sentence. that's it.

    In that way, a lot of warning or error messages appear, sometimes with "accept modification", sometimes not, sometimes red message in the bottom, sometimes, in the top.

    So, for me, this is a regression. that 's it. but i can go back to OMV5.

    i just start one of my nas, with OMV6, and as expected on it, there is a new update. 0 selected, 1 total, click to install updates... omv 6 performs the update. lol. yeah i know, changelog. but it is not the purpose of updates selection. for instance, OMVextra, Aaron knows it as well, i can choose what plugin i want. For updates, i should choose what i want, no ?

    it is not my first message on this topic, you just answer to the smallest. You can choose what you want, of course, to help me. but that's not help me.

    i have to travel with my mouse on my screen on each action, from left, from right, on the top right... etc. It 's very boring. And i don't understand what is the idea of that. maybe i need to install touchscreen to do that faster ^^

    go to youtube,

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    see 10'47, the man clicks everywhere on the screen to accept updates. and on big screen, this is awful.

    to be honest, ergonomics, intuitiveness, it's a job. And this version, for me, doesn't take the right way to propose that.

    Of course, if i don't like it, i can quit. i know. i said just that it is not a good thing.


    2 questions about new OMV 6 web ui:

    with the new OMV 6 web ui, all the buttons to accept or cancel operation are so far apart in full HD screen, and more in 4K.

    there is a lot of cases all users have seen like me.

    so... is it possible to group them, to not have to go from the right to the left of the screen, just to accept a click ? very boring. But i ve seen on some videos, there are not so far. So how to do this ? cms ?

    another question: update managment/updates => how to select 2 or 3 among all proposed updates ? because yellow lines seems to indicate the selection, only one, not a few, and all the proposed updates are in progress, even if i select one.

    thanks :)