Beiträge von RPMan

    You have to uninstall the previous version before installing new one.

    As raulfg3 said, docker is the best solution and if you want to update plex, you just have to restart manually your container or use watchTower for auto updates.

    3 solutions:

    1. wait for omv plex plugin update is available
    2. install manually plex and manage updates (hard)
    3. Use this plex docker image and enter in a new world :P

    in this case, inside a container, the user sees only its download folder, for example, not the complete path in host (=separation)

    Yes, because when you delete a container all data are lost. That's why, docker created volumes and bind mounts :) Now, you can delete a container ( or recreate), your data will still be here in your host path.
    When you setup your app (with deluge UI for example) you always use container path.

    i created a special "dockerperson" and no where i can find where i can use it on docker plugin gui, except in container 'when i click on run button'.
    maybe i have to set some shared folders...

    Once your dockerperson is created, you can add it to unix docker group. This dockerperson will have a UID and a GID (in terminal: id dockerperson). UID and GID are often used in environment variables when you launch your container. When you create a folder for your container, you can change the rights like this : sudo chown -R dockerperson:docker yourfolder/
    You can share this folder if you want...

    i run docker, i run a rtorrent container, and i had some troubles. my .rtorrent.rc was not in .config/rtorrent, but in shared folder. i can not say if i have to add rights for "dockerperson" or not.

    I don't understand, so I will give you an example: I want to use Deluge in docker. I create deluge folder (and config and downloads subfolder) where I want in my OMV host (I can choose to share this folder or not).
    I change rights like this:

    sudo chown -R dockerperson:docker deluge/

    Now, you have to add bind mounts to tell your docker container that your "downloads" folder in your container will be mapped to your deluge folder created previously in OMV.
    Same thing for config directory.

    in OMV 3.0.98, and OMV-extras, i have Docker and Docker CE (and on Docker CE, it is displayed that it replaces old docker repository... so i'm confused). Docker CE alone, does not work. nothing runs. Docker after a full restart, runs.

    Personnaly, I only use Docker CE. I think you should have a conflict because you cannot use 2 docker instance in the same host (without VM's)

    my 1st question, before installing Docker: do i need to prepare a special user, a volume or a shared folder, 'referenced=yes/no ?" ?

    You don't need a special user but it is better to have one.
    Volumes are not mandatory for you but bind mounts YES. You have to tell docker that a directory in your container is mapped to a directory in your omv host. For example if you map /srv/disk1/deluge/downloads (host path) in your host to /downloads (container path) in your container, when you setup deluge download directory in the deluge UI, you have to put /downloads and not host path. When you want to access to your downloads directory, you have to go to host path. If you are in SSH in your container, your download directory is /downloads (container path).
    Referenced yes/no : This option has nothing to do with docker. If you choose to access your download in smb/ssh, etc so yes, you can share your docker folder.


    Container name : jdownloader
    Restart policy : always

    Environment variables:
    [Optional] but recommended :
    you can add the UID and GID of the user you are using for docker. For exemple for me:

    So I add :

    [Mandatory] Now, create a directory called "jdownloader" where you want to store your downloads and conf with subfolders "config" and "Downloads" (for me it's /srv/dev-disk-by-label-DATA/jdownloader/):

    Now you have to do bind mounts:

    In my case, to access to my downloads, i go to /srv/dev-disk-by-label-DATA/jdownloader/Downloads (host path) in my OMV system. It's the directory where I previously created jdownloader folder. When you remove your container, data are preserved and still accessible in host path.
    When you are on myjdowloder and you whant to configure download path, it MUST be /downloads (container path).

    1. Launch with these settings and wait a minute for the container to initialize.
    2. Stop the container: docker stop jdownloader (or with the OMV GUI)

    3. On your host, enter your credentials (in quotes) to the file org.jdownloader.api.myjdownloader.MyJDownloaderSettings.json as in:
    { "password" : "mypasswort", "email" : "" }

    4. Start the container:

    docker start jdownloader (or with the OMV GUI)

    Now go to myjdownloader and you will see your docker headless jdownloader :)

    I advise you to use docker when possible (instead of omv plugins) so your omv install stay clear and it is easier to update/upgrade applications and system. Docker doesn't consume a lot of memory.

    When you install docker on omv, you have to search here for docker images of applications you are looking for (jdownloader here) and choose an image to run.
    When you run ("launch") an image it launches your app in a container. This container is often a "tiny linux install" and your application is running on it.
    However, when you delete a container, you lost all datas on it so docker created volumes and bind mounts. For exemple, you can map omvhost/srv/your_disk/jdownloader/config to /config directory in the container. When you remove container, you remove /config in the container dir but your data are still here because you map it on your host in omvhost/srv/your_disk/jdownloader/config.

    With docker plugin in OMV, you can pull and run images from GUI. With a tuto, it is not hard...

    Once created, your container can be started at boot if you want.

    You can access your headless jdownloader running in docker from


    I just saw your response ... Personally, I use this docker image.
    It is pretty simple to "install".
    It launches a headless jdownloader that is accessible from chrome plugin (my use) for example.

    I have 20 applications (plex, emby, plexpy, netdata ...) running in docker and it will take a little time to write "How to" for all.
    I can begin with jdownloader ...