Anyone ?
Anyone ?
Hello everyone,
I would like to back up my databases daily.
So I created a scheduled task, put this command:
mysqldump -u root --password=mypassword --all-databases> /srv/dev-disk-by-label-Data/Backup_DB/save_alldb_$(date +%d-%m-%Y-%R).sql
but I get a file weighing 0k instead of 1.7MB.
I tried as root and mysql user. Same.
A search here gave me results but i don't have permission to see them.
How do you do that?
Hello there,
After upgrade the system (OMV4.1.XX-X), i get
Job for php7.0-fpm.service failed because the control process exited with error code.
See "systemctl status php7.0-fpm.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.
invoke-rc.d: initscript php7.0-fpm, action "restart" failed.
● php7.0-fpm.service - The PHP 7.0 FastCGI Process Manager
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/php7.0-fpm.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Tue 2020-08-11 20:16:47 CEST; 4ms ago
Docs: man:php-fpm7.0(8)
Process: 31546 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/php-fpm7.0 --nodaemonize --fpm-config /etc/php/7.0/fpm/php-fpm.conf (code=exited, status=78)
Main PID: 31546 (code=exited, status=78)
journalctl give me
journalctl -u php7.0-fpm.service
-- Logs begin at Tue 2020-08-11 20:28:23 CEST, end at Tue 2020-08-11 20:33:35 CEST. --
août 11 20:28:25 omv-tati systemd[1]: Starting The PHP 7.0 FastCGI Process Manager...
août 11 20:28:27 omv-tati php-fpm7.0[919]: [11-Aug-2020 20:28:27] ERROR: An another FPM instance seems to already l
août 11 20:28:27 omv-tati php-fpm7.0[919]: [11-Aug-2020 20:28:27] ERROR: FPM initialization failed
août 11 20:28:27 omv-tati systemd[1]: php7.0-fpm.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=78/n/a
août 11 20:28:27 omv-tati systemd[1]: Failed to start The PHP 7.0 FastCGI Process Manager.
août 11 20:28:27 omv-tati systemd[1]: php7.0-fpm.service: Unit entered failed state.
août 11 20:28:27 omv-tati systemd[1]: php7.0-fpm.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
I found this topic: php-fpm / phpapi issues
but I'm not sure that would solve the problem.
Do you know the best way to solve this?
They are harmless and need to be fixed by saltstack not OMV.
Uninstall it from the plugins tab.
ok, thank you.
Have warnings here on a fresh install of OMV5 and on new hardware. The SSD seems ok.
Creating configuration database ...
Migrating configuration database ...
Setting up Salt environment ...
Setting up system ...
[WARNING ] /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/salt/modules/file.py:32: DeprecationWarning: Using or importing the ABCs from 'collections' instead of from 'collections.abc' is deprecated, and in 3.8 it will stop working
from collections import Iterable, Mapping, namedtuple
[WARNING ] /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/salt/utils/jinja.py:638: DeprecationWarning: Using or importing the ABCs from 'collections' instead of from 'collections.abc' is deprecated, and in 3.8 it will stop working
if isinstance(lst1, collections.Hashable) and isinstance(lst2, collections.Hashable):
[WARNING ] /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/salt/utils/decorators/signature.py:31: DeprecationWarning: `formatargspec` is deprecated since Python 3.5. Use `signature` and the `Signature` object directly
Processing system modifications ...
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Finally, I don't need omv-extras. How can I delete it properly?
Hope not to pollute the Rallaic's topic with my question.
ok, i will inquire about docker.
Thank you.
so I have to migrate to OMV5.x
Last question here:
Will I have to remove this plugin before migration or will I still have access to my services after?
Hi everybody,
I currently have 2 websites running, but with website nginx plugin I have to define a different port for each of them.
Each of the websites is installed in its directory: /www/nextcloud; /www/grr
Do you know a way to force port 443 on all?
For now, I have a /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/zzz-omv-nginx file that manages my 2 websites.
I think it would be better to have 1 file per website for it to work.
Is it possible to define a configuration file with this plugin?
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
I thought about crontab -e but not to look in the dirs.
found /etc/cron.d/php5:
cat /etc/cron.d/php5
# /etc/cron.d/php5: crontab fragment for php5
# This purges session files in session.save_path older than X,
# where X is defined in seconds as the largest value of
# session.gc_maxlifetime from all your SAPI php.ini files
# or 24 minutes if not defined. The script triggers only
# when session.save_handler=files.
# WARNING: The scripts tries hard to honour all relevant
# session PHP options, but if you do something unusual
# you have to disable this script and take care of your
# sessions yourself.
# Look for and purge old sessions every 30 minutes
09,39 * * * * root [ -x /usr/lib/php5/sessionclean ] && /usr/lib/php5/sessionclean
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it corresponds well to the hours of receipt of mails.
I commented the line 15, check mails and remove it.
Thank you.
Hi everyone,
since the activation of the notifications by mail, I receive every 30 minutes an email indicating:
ls -l /usr/lib/php5/sessionclean
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2730 mars 30 2019 /usr/lib/php5/sessionclean
no idea since when do I get that.
by looking here, a topic is about an old dating back to 2014.
I did not know OMV in 2014.
it was talking about a bug that was solved today.
I migrated my system from version 3.x.x to 4.x.x, now 4.1.26-1.
Before migrating, I had a nextcloud, which today is still functional.
I guess php5 is no longer useful?
Will deleting php5 packages not break my nextcloud?
Will this solve the problem?
here are my php packages installed:
dpkg -l | grep -i php
ii php-bcmath 1:7.0+49 all Bcmath module for PHP [default]
ii php-cgi 1:7.0+49 all server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (CGI binary) (default)
ii php-common 1:49 all Common files for PHP packages
ii php-curl 1:7.0+49 all CURL module for PHP [default]
ii php-fpm 1:7.0+49 all server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (FPM-CGI binary) (default)
ii php-gd 1:7.0+49 all GD module for PHP [default]
ii php-igbinary 2.0.1-1 amd64 igbinary PHP serializer
ii php-mbstring 1:7.0+49 all MBSTRING module for PHP [default]
ii php-mysql 1:7.0+49 all MySQL module for PHP [default]
ii php-pam 1.0.3-1 amd64 pam module for PHP 7
ii php-redis 3.1.1-1 amd64 PHP extension for interfacing with Redis
ii php-xml 1:7.0+49 all DOM, SimpleXML, WDDX, XML, and XSL module for PHP [default]
ii php-zip 1:7.0+49 all Zip module for PHP [default]
ii php5-apcu 4.0.7-1 amd64 APC User Cache for PHP 5
rc php5-cgi 5.6.40+dfsg-0+deb8u2 amd64 server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (CGI binary)
rc php5-cli 5.6.40+dfsg-0+deb8u2 amd64 command-line interpreter for the php5 scripting language
ii php5-common 5.6.40+dfsg-0+deb8u2 amd64 Common files for packages built from the php5 source
ii php5-curl 5.6.40+dfsg-0+deb8u2 amd64 CURL module for php5
rc php5-fpm 5.6.40+dfsg-0+deb8u2 amd64 server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (FPM-CGI binary)
ii php5-gd 5.6.40+dfsg-0+deb8u2 amd64 GD module for php5
rc php5-imagick 3.2.0~rc1-1 amd64 Provides a wrapper to the ImageMagick library
rc php5-json 1.3.6-1 amd64 JSON module for php5
ii php5-mysql 5.6.40+dfsg-0+deb8u2 amd64 MySQL module for php5
rc php5-pam 1.0.3-4 amd64 pam module for PHP 5
ii php5-redis 2.2.5-1 amd64 PHP extension for interfacing with Redis
ii php7.0-bcmath 7.0.33-0+deb9u5 amd64 Bcmath module for PHP
ii php7.0-cgi 7.0.33-0+deb9u5 amd64 server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (CGI binary)
ii php7.0-cli 7.0.33-0+deb9u5 amd64 command-line interpreter for the PHP scripting language
ii php7.0-common 7.0.33-0+deb9u5 amd64 documentation, examples and common module for PHP
ii php7.0-curl 7.0.33-0+deb9u5 amd64 CURL module for PHP
ii php7.0-fpm 7.0.33-0+deb9u5 amd64 server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (FPM-CGI binary)
ii php7.0-gd 7.0.33-0+deb9u5 amd64 GD module for PHP
ii php7.0-json 7.0.33-0+deb9u5 amd64 JSON module for PHP
ii php7.0-mbstring 7.0.33-0+deb9u5 amd64 MBSTRING module for PHP
ii php7.0-mysql 7.0.33-0+deb9u5 amd64 MySQL module for PHP
ii php7.0-opcache 7.0.33-0+deb9u5 amd64 Zend OpCache module for PHP
ii php7.0-readline 7.0.33-0+deb9u5 amd64 readline module for PHP
ii php7.0-xml 7.0.33-0+deb9u5 amd64 DOM, SimpleXML, WDDX, XML, and XSL module for PHP
ii php7.0-zip 7.0.33-0+deb9u5 amd64 Zip module for PHP
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thank you in advance for the help.
Oh my bad ! Never change port from nginx (websites) addon before perform updates. Otherwise aptitude get an error failed (98: Address already in use) and the updates configuration was obstruct.
To solve that, I executed
and it works back again.
Edit: So now, how to turn this thread solved?
I just perform the system updates and bad surprise: nginx is broken.
Here, how it happened:
I did not know nginx-full, nginx-light, nginx-extras packages exist.
Now, i would like to know what I should do to solve it because I can't restart nginx with systemctl.
I look for a bit here but it is weird, it seems I am alone with that issue.
I am on Arakkis version upgraded from Erasmus.
I did
aptitude update && aptitude upgrade.
Some updates were made in spite of errors message.
I did not insist and run omv-release-upgrade.
Now, welcome to OMV 4.x.x.
Thanks for posts.
Howdy ryecoaaron,
I am in the same case as CarfRip.
After execute
sed -Ei "s/(stable|oldstable|jessie)/stretch/g" /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* /etc/apt/sources.list
aptitude update shows
should I run aptitute upgrade before omv-release-upgrade ?
OR only omv-release-upgrade ?
Sorry, it's not clear for me. I don't know what omve-release-upgrade really do.
Is there an howto for upgrade OMV 3.x.x to OMV 4.x.x ?
Yes, you need to create a MySQL user for nextcloud. Either way is OK, cli or MySQL plugin. However I suggest to create a dedicated one especially for nextcloud and not to use a root user.
Thanks. It's works.
Hi guys,
I installed the latest stable version of OMV. Nextcloud setup page access is right but after I fill the fields, I get an error:
Quote from nextcloudError while trying to create admin user: Failed to connect to the database: An exception occured in driver: SQLSTATE[28000] [1045] Access denied for user 'ncuser'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
I wish use mariadb.
Should I create user, database and set privileges via
and so it will works ? nextcloud don't do that automatically ?
I already tried and failed so I am not sure about that.
Any idea ?