Did you find a solution?
I have now the same problem with nextcloud 17 at OMV 5.
Did you find a solution?
I have now the same problem with nextcloud 17 at OMV 5.
After doing this: "https://forum.openmediavault.org/index.php/Thread/27909-ETA-for-OMV-5-0-weeks-months-quarters-2020/?postID=222788#post222788" and after reboot OMV now again nextcloud is reachable and login via "internalIP:444"
I understand nothing....
Is there a bug in beta OMV 5.0?
It was only short time possible for me to reach nextcloud GUI. Now it´s another error message -> see screenshot.
I found "my" solution because I remembered me - and I didn´t write it here - that before I changed ACL in nextcloud and nextclouddb folders to reach it via smb from windows.
Now I used the omv-resetperm-plugin for these 2 folders and i am happy now
Yes, I know that now every expert will say it´s stupid that I (as a noob) change ACLs without knowing exactly what and why to do.
Now I stopped nextcloud container and startet it again. Start time is actual right time - the same as in OMV.
@macom: Yes I updated OMV from 4 to 5 but at first I reached by "192.xxx.xxx.xx:444" the Nextcloud GUI. Suddenly since yersterday it is impossible this way.
No solution at the moment. I´m noob, sorry.
thanks for your help @tinh_x7.
I did this "/var/www/nextcloud/config/config.php" via putty and the message I get is:"No such file or dirctory"
The links I have to read and understand.
Sorry for my following stupid questions.
1. Where/how can I check it?
2. I don´t use letsencrypt because I only use OMV internal.
3. I´m not sure what you mean. I dont try to reach it from outside. Why domain? Sorry, I´m noob.
Nextcloud in Docker is running a few days since yesterday.
Today I can´t reach by internalIP:444 the Nextcloud GUI. Attached a screenshot about error text.
I built nextcloud in a docker container following TechnoDad Videos and it runs some days.
I don´t know now what to and I need help please.
I´m not sure what further informations/screenshots/logs are necessary for you to help me.
1. docker exec -it nextcloud bash
2. sudo -u abc php /config/www/nextcloud/occ maintenance:mode --off
Thanks @Morlan. It helped me today
My upgrade today was without flashmemory-plugin. I´m noob and I don´t know if it is necessary for me, so I didn´t install before.
Thanks to all for help.
Seems the upgrade is complete and running
Thanks, clearing browswer helped
I did it with an reboot after and it helped a lot. Thank you @ness1602.
Now all optional plugins are selectable and docker is installed and running.
The only same situation is the blank "overview" field at "system informations". Is therefor a help/tool/command possible too?
And at "report" field at "system informations" is written "No LSB Modules are available". Is is important? How does this effect my running OMV 5/ Debian Buster?
see enclosed screenshots
At plugins there are 4 installed plugins but no other plugins that are possible to install!
Is my upgrade damaged ?
But I reach my datas at samba shares.
My conclusion: Some functions are ok but not all.
What is the best to do now without build server from scratch?
I upgraded from 4 to 5 by the way that has @ryecoaaron described in Post #38 in this thread.
It runs but the main field "Overview" at "System Informations" is blank In the other tabs (processes,...) are datas and I see it´s really OMV 5 now.
What have i to do?
After rebooting the same problem and additional I can´t install docker "DNS Error".
Is the upgrade not really full and clean?
How can I "repair" it?
Oh sorry, for my stupid questions.
The solution is at openmediavault.org -> latest news
I didn´t have had a look before my questions.
@fraxor How does it look like? Where did you see new GUI from omv 6?
I´m just waiting for final omv 5.
Danke, hat mir soeben geholfen, da ich erst kürzlich (von Synology/Xpenology) auf OMV umgestiegen bin.