Beiträge von Fr0ns

    Thanks for your reply!

    Fair enough ;) but the underlying question was to find out what I'll actually lose. Can I mount my arrays on a completely new/seperate installation? My settings in OMV aren't that specific so setting up monitoring etc won't be much hassle anyway if I have to reinstall OMV from scratch.

    Just having 1 disk for the OS does leave me with an extra free SATA port for my array :)


    I've just installed OMV and I'm having a lot of fun with it, I do however miss a lot of documentation. Where FreeNAS is very clear on the installation do's and dont's I can't seem to find those on OMV. Questions that come to mind are:

    - What happens when I lose my OMV installation drive?
    - How can I back-up my OMV installation drive?
    - Will there be an easy way to run my OMV installation drive in RAID1?
