Beiträge von shockwave

    I was thinking the same thing. There are things installed that I no longer use on the server and would like to clean things up a bit. I'll have to read up a little bit on OMV 6 and how to move my drives over.

    I have had jellyfin up and running for a few years within docker. Recently one of my devices required an update. I downloaded and installed the the new version, but after the update, nothing can connect. I tried to delete and reinstall, but the problem doesn't seem to change. Using OMV 4.1 and the jellyfin/jellyfin version.

    It looks likes its mapped to the /config folder. I was able to find the file in there so I think its right one. Changing the startup is completed to false didn't seem to make a difference though.

    Yes, I believe so. I am able to see and open shared directories, but it won't let me edit the the file I need to edit in appdata.

    The files that are listed are:

    bin cache dev home lib media opt root sbin sys usr

    boot config etc jellyfin lib64 mnt proc run srv tmp var

    I installed with docker. Is the below what you need?

    I recently updated Jellyfin (after not updating it for several versions) and I am unable to login. I can get to the login page, but get invalid username or password. It looks like there were some changes that were made, and if I can edit the system.xml file and change the <IsStartupWizardCompleted>true</IsStartupWizardCompleted> to false I can create a new username. I tried to edit this, but it says I don't have permission.

    Has anyone had this problem and know how to get this working again?

    Thank you!

    I have been using OMV for a while now and it has been great. When I first created it, I installed Nextcloud and was using that as my main method of storing/organizing files. I have decided to stop using Nextcloud and therefore need to rearrange some of my shared folders. For example, I have "folder1" and "folder2". I would like to move "folder1" and all of its contents into "folder2". "folder2" will become the parent of "folder1".

    What is the best way to do this? I am confused about how this works.

    You need an OpenVPN client application on the machine you will be connecting from. You do not need a third party VPN service.

    This is the HowTo I used.


    So, just to be clear. I don't need any kind of third party service. I just need to correctly setup my router and my computer? I don't need any kind of dynamic dns or dedicated IP?