Beiträge von ontorugs

    I set up my OMV5 server somewhere last year. It was the first time for me. Everything is working fine, but that may only be because nothing has gone wrong yet. So I wanted to ask if someone could take a look at the status output from my SnapRaid config below. I think something is not fully automated like it's supposed to...

    I have 3 disks in my system, /dev/sda, /dev/sdc, /dev/sdd.

    sdc and sdd are combined in a UnionFS.

    sda is the parity drive.

    hi everyone,

    I've always been pretty computer savvy, most of it has been on a user-level. At university I followed a 1 year java course, which I really enjoyed, but other than that I never dove any deeper into app development.

    When I see projects like OMV and all the different plugins and dockers, I get curious if it would still be possible to get in on the action a little bit. Instead of whining on forum for feature requests, it would be nice to get my own hands dirty and contribute a little bit. Who knows even do a career switch into a more IT oriented job.

    I'd like to hear some suggestions what you think is the best way to start? Like which courses to follow or which language to learn or perhaps a great project to contribute to?

    thanks in advance

    Hi all,

    I would like to know how you guys are browsing your files and directories?

    Currently I am running some download services on my OMV server and I find myself constantly using a command line terminal with Putty on my desktop to verify/modify/delete the files which are being downloaded. So I am constantly cd'ing and ls'ing to the same directories. (although I do find it fun to learn and discover linux in this way)

    At first I hoped Filezilla would be a good option, but apparently this is being discouraged because of safety concerns of the FTP protocol.

    So I am open to any recommendations for any desktop apps, docker containers, omv plugins, etc...

    In CLI you cannot login as admin. You need to login as root or, better, with another user you created in the GUI of OMV and added to the ssh group. If you also add him to the sudo group you can execute commands with elevated privileges.

    You may want to read the New User Guide.

    What is the main benefit between running as a user with elevated sudo rights vs just running as root itself?

    It sounds like basically the same thing ?

    Hi All,

    I'm restarting my container setup from scratch. I have moved the docker storage folder away from my root partition and it is now located here:


    Now I am wondering what is the best practice for the location of the configuration files of the individual docker containers?

    I was thinking of putting it inside the docker storage folder to keep things tidy.


    Is it a good idea or will there be permission issues?

    Also I am following a this docker guide They suggest to use a new user for each container and a new common group for all containers. So who should be the owner and group of the config folder ?

    Hi all,

    I've seen the TechnoDadLive video about moving the root docker folder. But the way he does it, he basically has to reinstall every container. He is using a shortcut by using templates, but still I assume all settings inside the containers will be the default settings.

    RE: Installation and Setup Videos - Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced

    I have a folder where all my config folders for my dockers live. So if I copy this folder to the new location and make the correct volume binds in portainer while installing the dockers, would this transfer over all the changes I made in the settings of the containers?

    Hi all!

    Just asking out of curiosity and to help my understanding of dockers.

    I'm setting up a Soulseek docker (mp3 downloading software), but I forgot to bind the internal "/data/Soulseek Downloads" directory.

    I am just wondering, where do downloaded files go in this situation? I tried a find command by SSH, but I couldnt locate the files on my server ?

    hi all,

    I've been a windows user all my life, so I'm really familiar with the system they use mainly C:/ main disk, D:/ secondary disk, E:/ for usb sticks, etc... I am even old enough to remember B:/ floppy drives (but not old enough to know what the A:/ was, can someone guess my age? :D)

    I've been playing with Linux for some time, And I've already tried to read about this, but can't really wrap my head around how Linux is doing some of these things. So for example, here is the output for my OMV server fdisk -l command:

    So I'm trying to figure it out:

    /dev/sdb is my SSD drive, which has the OS installed.

    Which would make /dev/sdb1 the root partition, I suppose.

    So /dev/sdb1 is just a file, it relates somehow directly to " / ". Should I know how or why? Is it important? It feels weird that " / " has a file a few directories within itself which is ... itself? (Kind of hard to explain my problem here...)

    Also I find it weird while browsing through the directories, that suddenly I could be working physically on another disk. What is the easiest way to keep track what physical disk you are on?

    So please if anyone could point me to an intuitive explanation of this, that would be great. Also please don't hesitate to correct me on anything. I'm having a hard time describing what I mean. There is a language barrier, especially concerning the technical jargon.

    That solved it

    I totally forgot that I partitioned the boot SSD, it was just a bunch of unused docker images which were bogging up the space.

    I cleared out the unused docker data with following command, that solved it for now. -> docker system prune -a

    I shouldn't have been installing all those dockers on the boot partition. That was exactly the reason I partitioned the SSD in the first place... Now I have to move everything :)

    So it had nothing to do with moving to a different room in my house, pure coincidence.

    Thanks again for the clear tutorial on how to fix this.

    Hi guys,

    I moved my server to a different room today, no I can't login to the WebGUI anymore. I can still log into Portainer and my docker containers.

    I see there's some similar threads floating around today. But I am not getting any error message. Trying to login to the WebGUI with my usual admin/password combination just seems to refresh the page. If I purposefully try a bad password, I get still the "Incorrect username or password" error.

    I've tried clearing webbrowser cache, incognito mode, different webbrowser. All give same "refreshing" page loop, when trying to login.

    I've also tried to SSH with root user and ran omv-firstaid command to change the password, but it also didnt work.

    Also on my phone WebGUI is not working.

    I also tried to move it back to the original room. No difference