Beiträge von matefon

    Sorry for late answers.

    It works!!!

    Thanks for the help.

    I will investigate if the tun device was the problem, or not. Torrents download, but I can't find the Transmission settings: where are they?

    I wanna copy my stats there.

    How long?

    Sorry. I changed the config because I thought it would be better but nevermind.

    SIGTERM[hard,] received, process exiting, is not a bad thing, it is just because I stopped the container.

    Web interface was not working last time when I tried... Now it does!

    However, Portainer says it's "Starting"

    Now this is the output:

    I think VPN is working now, I don't find it with ifconfig, but I think it's okay.

    The problem is with transmission. I use port 9091 so vpntrans is listening to 9092.

    51413 is also used for peer connections, so 51414 is used.

    The different Docker IP is still strange...

    With my VPN Server stopped (ifconfig does not show tun0 now):

    And the stack is

    Edit: now I see I don't have to put .ovpn to the filename of the config

    With my VPN Server enabled I got this

    The gist:

    Supplied config pl226-udp53.ovpn.ovpn could not be found.,


    Sat Apr 18 14:27:24 2020 AUTH: Received control message: AUTH_FAILED,

    Tried now.

    After half minute of waiting I got this:

    From this: