Beiträge von smellylettuce

    Just wanted to say thank you. I had the exact same problem with some minor variations, but essentially I neglected to upgrade the omv repo to the github location before running the upgrade script. This saved me an immense amount of time.

    I was having the same issue (OMV 4). The metapackage doesn't seem to recognize the kernel version during the install process and just installs the latest version.

    I got around this by going directly to nvidia's site and downloading the driver package there:…Results.aspx/142567/en-us (the driver here isn't listed on the driver search, though a rudimentary google search managed to locate it) Looks like the OP may have been trying to install an incompatible version. I also did a purge of nvidia stuff prior to installation

    Then I just moved it to one of my shared folders and executed it from there using 'sh'
    Hope that helps, now I just have to muddle through the rest of the setup :/

    -edit address OP initial issue