Beiträge von oem111

    Hello experts,

    I have recently updated my Microsoft accounts password and now everything seems to be broken.

    Steps already done:

    1. Change my ovm-password for this user aswell

    2. Force updating samba password using smbpasswd

    Until last month I could directly access my SMB shares by entering the UNC path or mapping the drive with Windows 10.

    Now I always receive a prompt for my credentials.

    But my syslog does not log any check_ntlm_password event

    Before my password change I have mapped my username with my Microsofts account e-mail address using the samba user map function.

    username map = /etc/samba/smbusers

    Username =

    The Windows eventlog sending out events, but the samba service does not receive the request.

    I also do not see any trace of my e-mail address in the samba log anymore, as if its not used anymore by my Windows 10 system.

    I tried nearly everything to restore my old situation, where I did not have to enter any password, because credentials were matching.

    I have tried increase the SMB level, increases the log level to find anything, setting the NTLMv2 Mode.

    Nothing helps.

    The only thing I see, is that the first connection request seems to be always anonymous.

    Windows is either not sending the user account information to my OMV or Samba did not read it correctly.

    When I enter my credentials, with either my user name or the e-mail address, and the correct password, everything works.

    But the benefit from having the same credentials in Windows and OMV is gone.

    Does someone may have any clue on this?




    thanks for the advice with the mail.
    I may test this aswell.

    So my Investigation took a Little while but I found the SALT scripts that were generating the cron files.

    For now I added the log paramter into the file

    old Line 22:
    {{ separator }}"{{ salt['omv_conf.get_sharedfolder_path'](job.sharedfolderref) }}" & wait $!

    new Line 22:

    {{ separator }}"{{ salt['omv_conf.get_sharedfolder_path'](job.sharedfolderref) }}" --log="/tmp/scan_{{ salt['omv_conf.get_sharedfolder_name'](job.sharedfolderref) }}.log" & wait $!

    Now the scheduled Tasks are generated with the Log Parameter as well.

    I also changed /tmp with my actual samba share, so I can read them directly in Windows.



    Hello and thanks for this first hint.

    So I what I was seeing, If I start a "scheduled job" from the "Antivirus" Section in the WebGUI, the /var/log/clamav/clamav.log does not look different.

    The scan summary is not listed in the calmav.log either.

    The result of the running scheduled task, if I am logging into the web console, is show in popup and it contains a readable filename. See attachment
    And according to Firefox the output is read from a file in /tmp.

    See screenshot tmp_bgstatus.

    The section "system logs" only read the calmav.log as it is the FD syntax only.

    Whoever, these scheduled task will run unattended at night so I will never see this result.

    It seems to me that the stdout of the scheduled task will be dropped.

    So I was searching deeper in the system and found the cronfile that is performing the jobs and votdev said, it is also performed with --fdpass.

    in Example: /var/lib/openmediavault/cron.d/clamdscan-19f590cd-4404-4ea2-8a8f-5743c44869e4

    Just for testing I modified the cronfile, knowning that zThese changes will be overwritten by OMV.
    However I was able to add --log=/tmp/test1 to the command and received a log file in /tmp

    omv_log "Please wait, scanning shared folder <Docker> ...\n"

    clamdscan --fdpass --stdout --multiscan --verbose "/srv/dev-disk-by-label-SSDRaid/Docker/" --log=/tmp/test1 & wait $!

    omv_log "\nThe scan has completed successfully."

    The output of the WebGUI poup is still working.

    So if the developer of the plugin could add the possibilty to define an additional logfile, adding the --log parameter to the cron-file I would my issues would be solved.

    For now I will add the --log to all my clamav cronjobs till they get overwritten.


    I have a question for those of you how uses the CLAMAV Plugin.

    My log /var/log/clamav/clamav.log looks all like this:

    Tue Apr 21 21:10:28 2020 -> fd[10]: OK

    Tue Apr 21 21:10:28 2020 -> fd[10]: OK

    Tue Apr 21 21:10:28 2020 -> fd[10]: OK

    Tue Apr 21 21:10:28 2020 -> fd[10]: OK

    Tue Apr 21 21:10:28 2020 -> fd[10]: OK

    Tue Apr 21 21:10:28 2020 -> fd[10]: OK

    Tue Apr 21 21:10:28 2020 -> fd[10]: OK

    Tue Apr 21 21:10:28 2020 -> fd[10]: OK

    Tue Apr 21 21:10:28 2020 -> fd[10]: OK

    Tue Apr 21 21:10:28 2020 -> fd[10]: OK

    Tue Apr 21 21:10:28 2020 -> fd[10]: OK

    If have tested the EICAR Testfile ( see:…server/testing/antivirus/ ) and put the file to /tmp.

    Now I scanned using this command: sudo clamdscan /tmp/ --fdpass

    This is how the log looks.

    Tue Apr 21 21:17:40 2020 -> fd[10]: Win.Test.EICAR_HDB-1(44d88612fea8a8f36de82e1278abb02f:68) FOUND

    I do not now why or how I can get to see the filename. I mean, its nice to see a warning that a virus is detected, but with a log like this I dont know with file caused the alert.

    Has someone a hint on how I can see the filename.

    My environment:

    OMV 5.39.x
    CLAMAV Plugin: openmediavault-clamav 5.0.9-1

    HardDisk are 2 SSDs in Raid1 (SoftRaid by OMV) and formated in EXT4

    Here my conf file

    root@MYNAS:/tmp# cat /etc/clamav/clamd.conf

    # This file is auto-generated by openmediavault (

    # WARNING: Do not edit this file, your changes will get lost.

    LocalSocket /run/clamav/clamd.ctl

    FixStaleSocket true

    LocalSocketGroup clamav

    LocalSocketMode 666

    AlertEncrypted false

    AlertEncryptedArchive false

    AlertEncryptedDoc false

    MaxDirectoryRecursion 15

    FollowDirectorySymlinks False

    FollowFileSymlinks False

    ReadTimeout 120

    MaxThreads 3

    MaxConnectionQueueLength 15

    LogSyslog false

    LogRotate false

    LogFacility LOG_LOCAL6

    LogClean false

    LogVerbose false

    DatabaseDirectory /var/lib/clamav

    SelfCheck 3600

    Foreground false

    Debug false

    ScanPE True

    MaxEmbeddedPE 10M

    ScanOLE2 True

    ScanPDF False

    ScanHTML True

    MaxHTMLNormalize 10M

    MaxHTMLNoTags 2M

    MaxScriptNormalize 5M

    MaxZipTypeRcg 1M

    ScanSWF true

    ScanELF True

    ScanArchive False

    ScanMail false

    AlertBrokenExecutables False

    ExitOnOOM false

    LeaveTemporaryFiles false

    HeuristicAlerts True

    IdleTimeout 30

    PhishingSignatures true

    PhishingScanURLs false

    AlertPhishingSSLMismatch false

    AlertPhishingCloak false

    AlertPartitionIntersection false

    DetectPUA False

    ScanPartialMessages false

    HeuristicScanPrecedence false

    StructuredDataDetection false

    CommandReadTimeout 30

    SendBufTimeout 500

    MaxQueue 100

    ExtendedDetectionInfo true

    AlertOLE2Macros false

    AllowAllMatchScan true

    ForceToDisk false

    DisableCertCheck false

    DisableCache false

    MaxScanSize 100M

    MaxFileSize 25M

    MaxRecursion 16

    MaxFiles 10000

    MaxPartitions 50

    MaxIconsPE 100

    PCREMatchLimit 10000

    PCRERecMatchLimit 5000

    PCREMaxFileSize 25M

    ScanXMLDOCS true

    ScanHWP3 true

    MaxRecHWP3 16

    StreamMaxLength 25M

    LogFile /var/log/clamav/clamav.log

    LogTime true

    LogFileUnlock false

    LogFileMaxSize 0

    Bytecode true

    BytecodeSecurity TrustSigned

    BytecodeTimeout 60000

    OfficialDatabaseOnly false

    CrossFilesystems true

    VirusEvent /bin/run-parts --lsbsysinit -- /etc/clamav/virusevent.d/

    User clamav

    OnAccessMaxFileSize 100M

    OnAccessMaxThreads 5

    OnAccessDisableDDD false

    OnAccessPrevention true

    OnAccessExtraScanning true

    OnAccessExcludeUname clamav

    OnAccessRetryAttempts 3

    Any help is welcome.


    Hello to all of you in the community,

    I have build some test VMs lately running openmediavault 5.0.5,

    Last weekend my new server, a Dell T30 arrived and I migrated my old HyperV 2012 to an all new HyperV 2016.

    Main reason for the hypervisor OS is running additional systems, mostly Linux based, and have some workspace for OS testing.

    One of the key changes will be the shutdown of on old Windows Server 2008R2.
    Clients are 3 Windows 10 PCs.

    My new T30 System is up and running with currently 8GB RAM ECC, still waiting for the delivery of the additional 8GB to make it 16GB ECC in total.
    CPU ist Xeon 1225v5 with 4 Cores.

    The HyperV-OS is located on a separate SSD with 240GB. For Storage I have two SDDs with 2TB attached to the server.
    The original 1TB Dell enterprise HDD will be sorted out afterwards. Openmediavault 5.3.7 is installed and running in a VM.

    Most config is done, I only need to setup the storage and raise hell.

    Bow I kind of searching for some options.

    1. Would be to make use of the Dell T30 / Intel raid controller and pair the 2 SSDs with 2TB into a RAID1.

    This would leave me with two options
    1.a - Create a VHDX and assign it to the openmediavault VM

    1.b - Use physical disk pass through and give openmediavault exclusive access to the RAID1-volume.

    2. Option 2 would be to ignore the raid controller and use physical disk pass through. So that openmediavault could create a software raid 1 on its on.

    Regardless of the option for filesystem I would use EXT4 as I do nothing about BTRFS and would say that currently RAID1+EXT4 should be the solution this less administrative work.

    Does anyone have some experience or additional options for me?
    Am I missing something?

    Your feedback is requested.

