Beiträge von ubrfkr

    You should add "nofail" to the options of your file system, if a disk is missing the unionfs will just not be mounted, then you can boot normaly and recreate the unionfs with an other disk and rebuild missing data…1/mergerfs_drive_failure/

    Thank you milouz.

    This sounds exactly what I need to do. However, I have been trying to add the nofail option without success.

    All the thumbdrives have the option already in fstab. I can't add it for the union volume.

    When I try to include the option during gui setup of the merge, I get an error when applying the changes.

    I have also tried to add the option to fstab after creating the merge but I can't do that either.

    Any advice?

    First time OMV user. Testing my planned set-up with USB thumb drives before deployment.

    I am using unionfs and SnapRAID.

    I want to test if SnapRAID works so I set up a simple 3 drive array (one parity, 2 with content/data).

    After syncing I "simulate a drive failure" (yank out the thumb drive).

    Under the Disks panel the missing disk is replaced with this: /dev/disk/by-label/[missingdisklabel]

    I can not remove that entry. I tried replacing the disk and wiping it/creating a new FS on it but it didn't work.

    If i reboot the machine, the missing disk is a dependancy of the unionfs volume (and for /dev/disk/by-label/[missingdisklabel]).

    The OS boots into emergency mode, if I press ctr-d it claims it is "starting default target" but just loops back to emergency mode.

    Ultimately I just want to be able to go through the process of setting up an array, losing a disk and recovering it.

    Could somone please advise me?