Posts by KemikalElite

    From my last post I was sure I had everything working. I moved all data back onto the ext4 drives, setup all the docker containers, setup wireguard vpn, setup shares and unionfs, had everything ready then rebooted one last time.

    Now for no reason again my fourth drive won't mount again.

    Honestly I've spent an entire week trying to figure out why these drives wont mount automatically when they always worked on the last machine. Unfortunately this isn't worth it for a box just to stream movies to a tv, store backups, and run a home vpn.

    At this point I'm just going to put Windows 10 on it with a network storage pool and call it a day.

    Thanks for the project and I hope these issues are resolved in a future release.

    I started with a clean install of OMV now and all blank data drives to make sure nothing interferes.

    Normal manual unlocking and mounting of the drives works again through the web interface.

    At first I still couldn't get auto unlocking working through /etc/crypttab with UUID in the example:

    data1 UUID=1dfccdef-7d88-4d5e-9f42-59bd36020c37 /root/keyfile luks

    so instead I tried the crypttab entry by /dev/disk/by-id with this example

    data1 /dev/disk/by-id/usb-ST310005_28AS_9VP2H4NS-0:0 /root/keyfile luks

    instead of using the UUID it now points to this path which points to /dev/sdd which allows it to unlock automatically on boot again.

    Once it unlocks through crypttab, fstab mounts /dev/sdd at /dev/disk/by-label/data1 which points to /dev/dm-1 which finally gets mounted at /srv/dev-disk-by-label-data1.

    None of my encrypted data drives show under /dev/disk/by-uuid as they would before, and the crypttab no longer accepts UUIDs, but as long as I can use disk/by-id instead auto unlocking will still work. As long as my files show up under /srv/ and I don't have to unlock each drive manually it doesn't really matter.

    It still doesn't explain why this happened just because I moved to another PC. Maybe its because the more consumer-oriented PC is newer or less compatible with Linux than my old server. Maybe its because some of the drives are connected through USB.

    Other posts for reference:

    LUKS Automount no longer working on new hardware

    RE: LUKS + KeyFile + AutoMount? [SOLVED]

    I moved my omv setup from an intel server to a new hp small form factor pc, now 3 of my data drives will not auto mount anymore.

    My current fstab is:

    In addition I have crypttab setup for auto unlocking:

    # <target name> <source device> <key file> <options>
    #System disks - DO NOT EDIT
    sda2_crypt UUID=e07a2c60-9fb4-4ff6-85b1-e2ad4c767ebf none luks,swap,discard
    sda3_crypt UUID=716b232a-f44a-4f46-a276-4e563856c0c6 none luks,discard
    #Data disks
    data1 UUID=1dfccdef-7d88-4d5e-9f42-59bd36020c37 /root/keyfile.key luks
    data2 UUID=298a0d0f-52ce-48f8-817f-d75d293a4836 /root/keyfile.key luks
    data3 UUID=134a1f5e-46b1-422a-b08d-ccc8476340b9 /root/keyfile.key luks
    data4 UUID=b9eb750a-5c20-4673-b652-e7e7915cb470 /root/keyfile.key luks

    This always worked before on the old server.

    Now syslog shows:

    Dec 15 17:39:03 omv-server monit[996]: Filesystem '/srv/dev-disk-by-label-data1' not mounted
    Dec 15 17:39:03 omv-server monit[996]: 'filesystem_srv_dev-disk-by-label-data1' unable to read filesystem '/srv/dev-disk-by-label-data1' state
    Dec 15 17:39:03 omv-server monit[996]: 'filesystem_srv_dev-disk-by-label-data1' trying to restart
    Dec 15 17:39:03 omv-server monit[996]: 'mountpoint_srv_dev-disk-by-label-data1' status failed (1) -- /srv/dev-disk-by-label-data1 is not a mountpoint

    Repeating for each drive. Every time OMV starts it shows "a start job is running for /dev/disk/" cycling through the uuid and label of each drive for 90 seconds before it fails. the data1 partition on the system drive still works for some reason I don't understand.

    Now OMV doesn't load because of an issue with trying to load mergerfs while the drives aren't mounted, so i tried to remove the unionfs from the omv config manually, now it shows a bunch of errors and the file systems and luks tabs arent loading in the web interface.

    Couldn't extract an UUID from the provided path '/dev/disk/by-label/data2'.

    Failed to execute command 'export PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin; export LANG=C.UTF-8; omv-salt deploy run --no-color quota 2>&1' with exit code '1': omv-server: Data failed to compile: ---------- Rendering SLS 'base:omv.deploy.quota.default' failed: while constructing a mapping in "<unicode string>", line 42, column 1 found conflicting ID 'quota_off_no_quotas_' in "<unicode string>", line 69, column 1

    So essentially the entire omv system is now broken, and I even tried creating a new omv install on a flash drive, and it still won't auto mount the data drives. At this point I'm better off just running a media server off Windows 10 but cant convert my ext4 drives back to ntfs. This is too much troubleshooting for a simple media server with basic encryption.

    I don't understand how just using a different motherboard has caused automounting to stop working.

    About the mobile app, the web interface can be accessed through a browser on your phone. Because of this there isn't really a need for an app. Obviously the web interface doesn't scale as well on a smaller phone screen compared to a desktop browser or tablet, but it does work. Hopefully the web interface will be better optimized when it gets overhauled for OMV 6 in 2021.

    Also you can safely and securely access the web interface, network shares, and all other services through the internet using a secure VPN hosted on the OMV machine like OpenVPN or Wireguard.

    Posting here for anyone that is subscribed to this thread that may be able to help.

    LUKS Automount no longer working on new hardware

    I moved my OMV setup from an old Intel server to a HP small form factor PC and now the auto unlock with crypttab only works with my first data disk (data1) the other three disks (data2,data3,data4) won't auto unlock when OMV loads. It works if I both unlock and mount them manually with the web interface. I don't understand why the first drive unlocks and the others don't.

    data 1,2, and 3 are on the same usb enclosure, with data4 being an internal drive.

    This worked fine on the old server, I tried setting up a brand new install of OMV on a flash drive as a test and got the same result: only the first UUID will unlock. Newly formatted LUKS drives wont auto mount either so I know its not a problem with the existing drives.

    I can always just unlock and mount manually easily as this system runs 24/7/365 without many reboots but it worked fine before and I don't understand why it doesn't now just because I moved to a new PC. Maybe its something related to the order disks are detected when debian starts on this PC? It would make more sense if there was a reasonable explanation.

    EDIT: Now manually unlocking and mounting the drives isn't working ether.

    When I manually unlock the drives it shows this error when trying to mount them because the drives aren't listed in fstab.

    Failed to execute command 'export PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin; export LANG=C.UTF-8; mount -v --source '/dev/disk/by-label/data2' 2>&1' with exit code '1': mount: /dev/disk/by-label/data2: can't find mount source /dev/disk/by-label/data2 in /etc/fstab.

    If they ARE listed in fstab the startup will fail because it tries to mount them and it cannot because they are locked, and then OMV drops to emergency shell.

    So unless I comment out the drives from fstab when it drops to emergency mode, start OMV, then uncomment them, then manually unlock and mount the drives, my OMV just doesn't work now.

    I am moving my OMV setup from an Intel 5000PSL to an HP 290 with a 4-bay USB to SATA drive enclosure.

    sda > internal drive (stock with hp 290) = data4 (keyfile LUKS)

    sdb > first drive in usb enclosure

    sdb1 > /boot partition

    sdb2 > / (root) system partition (password LUKS)

    sdb3 > swap partition (password LUKS)

    sdb4 > data1 (keyfile LUKS)

    sdc = data2 (second drive in usb enclosure) (keyfile LUKS)

    sdd = data3 (third drive in usb enclosure) (keyfile LUKS)

    When I moved the omv drives to the new PC I thought it would be as simple as loading the drives from the old server into the usb enclosure and connecting it to the USB port.

    OMV is booting off the first drive in the enclosure from the old server, but when OMV loads only the LUKS encrypted data partition on the boot drive (data1) will auto mount now.
    The LUKS partitions on the other drives (data2, data3, data4) do not auto mount.

    I've always used this guide to auto mount drives with no issues.…ted-drives-with-a-keyfile

    My fstab: (I tried removing the other data drives and only auto mounting the internal drive (data4) with no improvement)

    My crypttab:

    # <target name> <source device> <key file> <options>
    #System disks - DO NOT EDIT
    sda2_crypt UUID=e07a2c60-9fb4-4ff6-85b1-e2ad4c767ebf none luks,swap,discard
    sda3_crypt UUID=716b232a-f44a-4f46-a276-4e563856c0c6 none luks,discard
    #Data disks
    data1 UUID=1dfccdef-7d88-4d5e-9f42-59bd36020c37 /root/keyfile.key luks
    data2 UUID=298a0d0f-52ce-48f8-817f-d75d293a4836 /root/keyfile.key luks
    data3 UUID=134a1f5e-46b1-422a-b08d-ccc8476340b9 /root/keyfile.key luks
    data4 UUID=b9eb750a-5c20-4673-b652-e7e7915cb470 /root/keyfile.key luks

    I've tried everything I can think of to get data2, data3, and data4 to auto mount. I've tried replacing /dev/disk/ in the fstab with /dev/mapper, ive tried replacing UUID= with the directory of the device, ive manually removed the drives from the OMV config and readded them.

    I know OMV is detecting all the drives normally because it works fine if I just go into the web interface and manually unlock and mount the partitions, its just not auto mounting the encrypted partitions on the non-boot drives. The last thing I haven't tried is a clean install of OMV, otherwise I could just keep manually unlocking the drives but the automatic method always worked with the old server, why isn't it working now? It can't be a USB issue because the fourth drive is an internal SATA.

    EDIT: Added from the other posts 12/16/2020

    Now manually unlocking and mounting the drives isn't working ether.

    When I manually unlock the drives it shows this error when trying to mount them because the drives aren't listed in fstab.

    Failed to execute command 'export PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin; export LANG=C.UTF-8; mount -v --source '/dev/disk/by-label/data2' 2>&1' with exit code '1': mount: /dev/disk/by-label/data2: can't find mount source /dev/disk/by-label/data2 in /etc/fstab.

    If they ARE listed in fstab the startup will fail because it tries to mount them and it cannot because they are locked, and then OMV drops to emergency shell.

    So unless I comment out the drives from fstab when it drops to emergency mode, start OMV, then uncomment them, then manually unlock and mount the drives, my OMV just doesn't work now.

    Syslog shows this error:

    Dec 15 17:39:03 omv-server monit[996]: Filesystem '/srv/dev-disk-by-label-data1' not mounted
    Dec 15 17:39:03 omv-server monit[996]: 'filesystem_srv_dev-disk-by-label-data1' unable to read filesystem '/srv/dev-disk-by-label-data1' state
    Dec 15 17:39:03 omv-server monit[996]: 'filesystem_srv_dev-disk-by-label-data1' trying to restart
    Dec 15 17:39:03 omv-server monit[996]: 'mountpoint_srv_dev-disk-by-label-data1' status failed (1) -- /srv/dev-disk-by-label-data1 is not a mountpoint

    Additionally as a result of trying to change the config.xml manually to try anything to fix this OMV also shows these errors, and the filesystems tab no longer loads.

    Couldn't extract an UUID from the provided path '/dev/disk/by-label/data2'.
    Failed to execute command 'export PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin; export LANG=C.UTF-8; omv-salt deploy run --no-color quota 2>&1' with exit code '1': omv-server: Data failed to compile: ---------- Rendering SLS 'base:omv.deploy.quota.default' failed: while constructing a mapping in "<unicode string>", line 42, column 1 found conflicting ID 'quota_off_no_quotas_' in "<unicode string>", line 69, column 1

    So essentially I broke the OMV system.

    It would be good if I could just reinstall OMV from scratch, figure out why my data drives aren't auto mounting, fix it, and get everything working again. However if trying to fix an issue causes this much of a headache with no easily explainable solution, maybe I'm better off just going back to Windows 10, turning off all the security and update nonsense and just using that as a server instead. It would definitely have a lot less errors.

    As my OMV NAS server I'm using a retired used Intel server.

    - Intel S5000PSL with single L series Xeon CPU

    - 4 GB DDR2 FBDIMM RAM @ 667 Mhz

    - 3 Hotswap 3.5 HDD Bays

    - Nvidia Quadro FX 1850 (Low Power) -or- Nvidia GTX 660 Ti

    The hardware is dated from 2009. It is setup based on the OEM's original spec. No issues in daily use other than it occasionally refusing to POST on the first try. It works fine as a Windows 10 based NAS and I am in the process of switching it to OMV.

    When I set it up with Windows 10 a few months ago, I switched it from the Quadro to the 660 Ti so it would have HDMI out and a better GPU. Now that I'm going to be using the system as a headless server and only need the graphics for things like BIOS, clonezilla, and troubleshooting, I decided to switch back to the Quadro, especially since I don't need transcoding and transcoding support is very limited on either card anyway.

    Here's the bizarre part. I take the 660 Ti out and put the Quadro in. The fan spins but there's no image on the monitor. I try switching from DVI to Displayport. I try putting the card in another PCI slot. I reseat the Quadro a total of four times and it still doesn't work.

    Next I go through the hassle of disconnecting, and taking the cover off my desktop PC and put the Quadro in the desktop. I run it for a few seconds in that PC and it works fine. I put the card back in the server and it works perfectly now. I remember doing the same thing months ago to get the 660 Ti working.

    It works permanently. I can turn the server off, reboot it, and the graphics card still works.

    Why is it that graphics cards will only work in this server only if they've been installed into another system first? It doesn't make any sense. As long as the card is getting power and is plugged in to the slot, and the slot is working, the card should work. I could see if this was an issue with the card being bad but this happened with two different known good working graphics cards. The cards being plugged into a different system should have no effect as they have no power or memory after they're unplugged, right?


    I'm getting an RPC error message when attempting to edit anything on the shared folders page.

    I'm using unionfs and from reading other threads I think its related to the cause of my issue.

    I know there are other threads with an identical error but I thought I should start my own thread since the other thread is months old and marked resolved, and I can't make sense of any way to resolve the problem from reading those posts as much as I've tried to fix it myself.

    Invalid RPC response. Please check the syslog for more information.
    Error #0:
    OMV\Rpc\Exception: Invalid RPC response. Please check the syslog for more information. in /usr/share/php/openmediavault/rpc/
    Stack trace:
    #0 /usr/share/php/openmediavault/rpc/proxy/ OMV\Rpc\Rpc::call('ShareMgmt', 'getList', Array, Array, 3)
    #1 /var/www/openmediavault/rpc.php(45): OMV\Rpc\Proxy\Json->handle()
    #2 {main}

    Here are the relevant syslog lines:

    May  1 23:53:56 omv-test omv-engined[1661]: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to OMV\Config\ConfigObject::setAssoc() must be of the type array, string given, called in /usr/share/php/openmediavault/config/ on line 85 and defined in /usr/share/php/openmediavault/config/
    May  1 23:53:56 omv-test omv-engined[1661]: Stack trace:
    May  1 23:53:56 omv-test omv-engined[1661]: #0 /usr/share/php/openmediavault/config/ OMV\Config\ConfigObject->setAssoc('\n      ', false)
    May  1 23:53:56 omv-test omv-engined[1661]: #1 /usr/share/openmediavault/engined/rpc/ OMV\Config\Database->get('conf.system.sha...')
    May  1 23:53:56 omv-test omv-engined[1661]: #2 [internal function]: Engined\Rpc\ShareMgmt->enumerateSharedFolders(NULL, Array)
    May  1 23:53:56 omv-test omv-engined[1661]: #3 /usr/share/php/openmediavault/rpc/ call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
    May  1 23:53:56 omv-test omv-engined[1661]: #4 /usr/share/openmediavault/engined/rpc/ OMV\Rpc\ServiceAbstract->callMethod('enumerateShared...', NULL, Array)
    May  1 23:53:56 omv-test omv-engined[1661]: #5 [internal function]: Engined\Rpc\ShareMgmt->getList(Array, Array)
    May  1 23:53:56 omv-test omv-engined[1661]: #6 /usr/share/php/openmediavault/rpc/ call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
    May  1 23:53:56 omv-test omv-engined[1661]: #7 /usr/share/php/openmediavault/rpc/  in /usr/share/php/openmediavault/config/ on line 230

    OMV version info:

    (Please ignore shellinabox. Its uninstalled. I know it doesn't work with current OMV.)

    Hopefully this can be solved as I've finished setting up 99% percent of my omv install.

    I noticed that there isn't anything under /sharedfolders/. That is where my shared directories should be in the filesystem correct? Rather than using the directory under /srv/?

    As an unrelated sidenote I've encountered a few issues and errors just trying to setup omv in a vm:

    -LUKS gets an out of memory error when attempting to decrypt a volume with 512MB RAM despite the system only showing 30% RAM used. (Increasing RAM fixes this)
    -The VirtualBox network interface is terrible (not omv's fault). Sometimes DNS doesn't work on a new install, sometimes the IP address changes or doesn't show up on my network. Sometimes the network stops working completely and the only way to fix it is to recreate the VM.

    -I created another OMV VM in case I can't fix this issue and need to start from scratch, but even that had errors installing omvextras that I never had the first time installing it.

    Thankfully I was able to fix those issues myself but now I'm stuck on this RPC error and all these roadblocks almost make me want to consider just dropping OMV and continuing to use Windows 10 as a server.

    raulfg3 Thank you. Sorry to bother you again but I wanna be sure before I start downloading things. Is it a good thing to install also LetsEncrypt? How does it work with Plex/Emby? Is it Plex free to stream movies when I'm outside my network or do I have to pay for it? And what about Emby? What do you think about Jellyfin? Thank you again.

    Emby has a free app for Android and iOS that will work outside your network, but as gderf already stated certain extra features require the paid plan. I use Emby and it works fine for free as long as I don't need the extra features like offline downloads or transcoding.

    The idea behind jellyfin is that it is a fork of emby from before it became closed source and started charging money for extra features.

    Everything in jellyfin is free and open source so with jellyfin you can get the full features of the mobile app for free.

    The downside is jellyfin doesn't current have an app for LG TVs, Samsung TVs, or Roku players.

    Jellyfin also lacks the cloud connect login service that emby and plex have, so connecting from outside your network requires some extra setup with port forwarding and dynamic dns.