Beiträge von rocketcoder

    They are located on mergerfs array under /data/nextcloud/

    drwxrwx--- 7 1000  1000 4096 Jun  5 12:51 nextcloud
    drwxr-s--- 5 root users 4096 Jun  5 12:46 nextcloud-backup
    drwxr-s--- 7 root users 4096 Jun  5 12:55 nextcloud-new

    There is the output of ls -l

    I am going to just delete everything and start over, however, the file/folders in the /data directory are marked as read-only and I can't seem to get around that. I am running as root so permissions shouldn't be the issue. Any ideas on how to delete that?

    Nothing there either.

    I am running it in docker and using portainer. Here's the log from portainer.

    Doesn't look like there is anything useful in there.

    Hi all,

    Something happened to my nextcloud seemingly over night. Whenever I go to my domain or locally I get an internal server error. I have tried digging through the logs, but I don't see any errors pertaining to it. Maybe I'm not looking at the right logs? Also my bookstack app is giving the same 500 error. Is it possibly something with my db? I haven't touched the db any time recently.

    If there are any logs you guys think might help, please let me know. I really don't want to have to rebuild nextcloud again.

    Thanks in advance.

    I already have a MariaDB setup from my NextCloud container. I am trying to install Bookstack using the same MariaDB to limit the number of MariaDB containers. However I am getting any error at the part "Running config - db_user set"

    Here is the containers log

    Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?


    I installed linuxserver's plex docker. In the tutorials I was following it should adding library's for your media. Mine just asked me to login, but didn't give me the option to add libraries. I went through all the settings and there isn't any where to add them. All that plex gives me is online content. I have recreated the container multiple time to no success. Has anyone run into this before? What did you do?

    Yes nextcloud is running at that location.

    There is this

    nginx: [emerg] "server" directive is not allowed here in /config/nginx/proxy-confs/nextcloud.subdomain.conf:15

    I included the /config/nginx/proxy-confs/*.subdomain.conf in the default file in site-confs.

    EDIT: I moved the include into the nginx.conf file and the error is gone, but still getting the connection refused.

    Hi All!

    I got Letsencrypt installed and nextcloud setup. I have the LetsEncrypt Nginx running in docker on another server and I want it to do reverse proxy to the file server that has nextcloud running on it. I setup the proxy configs with the sample file on the LetsEncrypt container and added the required lines to the nextcloud config.php suggested in the sample proxy. However, when I try to go to my domain name I get refused to connect. I'm sure it's something misconfigured in the reverse proxy that I am not aware of, being new to reverse proxies and nginx.

    Any help would be much appreciated.